It's that time of year again....time to justify the name of Lupine Hill. These lupine are really just the beginning of the bloom......another few days of warm weather and the amount of flowers will double. It's truly a sight to behold and one that I anticipate with great joy each year. I only wish I had a "wide screen" camera that could better capture the splendor.
Today's weather will not be coaxing any more blooms out's cold and windy....I actually have a pot of soup on the stove. Quite a change from the last few days. It's supposed to get colder for a few more days and then gradually warm up again.
Tomorrow two of my friends from high school......Stan Stinnet and Ray Sodini are coming up for dinner and to spend the night. I'm pretty sure Ross, Molly and Seth will be here also........a big pot of shrimp curry for dinner ....homemade fresh strawberry pie for dessert.......hilarious conversation throughout the evening.......I can't wait!!!!
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