One more "catch up' post and I'll be back to "real time"........well, as real as I'm able to function! These photos were taken on Saturday when we took a journey to Iowa of the last existing towns in California without electricity or phone lines. It's a little backwoods burg about 20 miles from Foresthill, but once Iowa Hill was a grand town during the gold rush days. There were hotels, stores, even a bowling ally and the founder of Macy's was a prominent citizen. Now it pretty much consists of a little grocery store, post office and a beautiful little solar powered school. It's still full of wonderful off- the- grid type characters and partially melted ice cream bars from the store's generator cooled freezer. To get to Iowa Hill you first need to drive down a one lane road to the North Fork of the American River and then back up the other side. These pics were taken while we stopped for a picnic at the river .........we messed around a bit looking for gold in the gravel, but, alas, no luck! We got home about 4;00 and soon enjoyed a great dinner and Jim FINALLY opened his birthday presents.......he got several old Rock-A-Billy records and he was swooning! Thanks to all of you for thinking of him and the great gifts you sent.....he loved each and every one.
Dinner's over
13 years ago
Sorry we missed the celebration -- it looks like you had a wonderful day!
sounds like an interesting little town, what a great day! the pix of ross and molly, very nice..
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