Sunday, April 19, 2009


In about 2 months I hope to making a cherry pie......and I hope the cherries are from this tree! We haven't had a good cherry "harvest" for a couple of years, but hope springs eternal......this will be the year!!!
It's been a real quiet Sunday......just Jim and I hanging out and as loud as we're known to still seems quiet! I weeded the flower garden for a while this morning, Jim planted the new tomato plants and now he sits at his computer, me at mine. I guess the big news is that I have on shorts and a sleeveless that!!!!


jilljen said...

Isn't that what you always wear? I guess that's just in the summer while we are there...

Shelby and Bev said...

i hope you have many cherries...gosh, i could eat those until i make myself sick! my mom would limit them, for my own self-protection i'm sure!