Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dog Days !'s hot today !! As soon as I stepped outside to walk this morning i could tell it was going to be a scorcher. I was actually a little surprised because when Jim left at 4:45 this morning we could tell it had rained during the night......not much I'm sure ,but enough to dampen the driveway. By 8:00 when I made it out to walk all the clouds had cleared and the sun was blazing. Temperature wise it isn't all that hot......about 85 degrees , but this time of year the sun seems so very intense......maybe because it's lower on the horizon ? I don't know , but by the time I got home from seeing my mom in Roseville I was more than ready to head for "Paradise"......otherwise known as the Doughboy ! It felt heavenly and I was able to do the evening chores and cook dinner with no worries ! Sounds like it will be hot through the weekend......maybe a lake or river day in there somewhere, but most likely Jim and I will get busy with one of the dozens of things that need doing around here and .......yep...I'll end up back in "Paradise"!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August Ritual !

I'm up to my eyeballs in steaming kettles, pungent herbs and shiny glass's canning time ! Even though we had a late Spring and a mild Summer, the veggies have taken their cue and are rolling in right on schedule. I've already done several batches of dill pickles , a few jars of chutney and today I'm on my second batch of zucchini relish. I'm pretty thankful for the relatively cool weather this year, it makes my job in the kitchen ever so much more fact , I haven't really been able to work up much of a complaint this Summer.....I know Jim considers himself fortunate !
It hasn't been all work today , however, .......I moved an old lounge chair of my moms out under the large cedar in the front yard......pure heaven ! I took my "lunch break" out there with a book and a large slice of watermelon and I'm thinkin'.....this may become another August ritual !

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yes to Yarrow !

I have a new favorite flower.....the lowly yarrow. Yarrow is usually seen as "weed like", not too showy, kind of boring........but look what happens when you plant A LOT of yarrow in a barrel ! It has been blooming since June and the deer don't seem interested in it at all . Next year I will double the amount I plant,,,,,it will be everywhere ! By-the-way, I first saw yarrow planted this way at Sundance in Utah. It was quite a few years ago, but I finally got it together !
Tessy was here for a few days and just left evening before last . We had a wonderful visit and even snuck in a day of shopping. We spent one heavenly day at the river with Ross and Molly and had plenty of time for visiting out on the deck.
Yesterday Molly and I headed off to the Nevada Co Fair in Grass Valley. We had a great time checking out the donkeys !! I learned a lot about them and someday still hope to be able to put that knowledge to use. We also watched a dog agility show with Border Collies and some Aussie Shepards......which is what Jenny is. Fascinating and so much fun. Seth was working there so also was able to visit a bit with him.
Headed down to Auburn today with the recycling.....with some of the proceeds I treated myself to In& anticipation of that I walked an extra half hour this morning, but I'm sure that hardly covered the burger and fries !

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Slow Withdrawal !

While Jill was here we all were on an In&Out binge......the kids love it , Jill and I love it .......and after all .....there's nothing like it in Norway !! I don't eat there very often during "normal" times and I thought I had eaten my fill for a long time. However.......I met Molly in Auburn today and what were we both dying for ????.........In&Out ! It tasted wonderful and now I think perhaps I can begin the long weaning process and once again choose salad for lunch ! We shall see !!
I got some groceries down in Auburn and it was kind of sad.......I actually like grocery shopping with kids......way more exciting. Molly came on up here , took a dip in the pool and is now out washing her car.
Jim had to work down at his office all weekend so it was pretty quiet around here. Yesterday , however , I took my mom down to mid-town to watch 2 of Ross' bands play at the Press Club. We had a wonderful time ......awesome music and great air conditioning !!