This is the final lilac bush to bloom every year......but so worth the wait. Hard to tell in the photos but, the blossoms are a beautiful cranberry pink and they have an even stronger scent than any of the other varieties. When we planted the bush it was in a prominent place in the yard...however now the cedar in front of it has grown so much it pretty much hides the lilac. As the cedar gets even larger we will trim the lower branches and let the lilac shine once more!
Still cloudy today,but a bit allergies are loving the tall grasses all this rain has created. Thank goodness for Claritin.....with a healthy dose of Benedryl at night! I don't think I'd be able to live in California if it weren't for the modern allergy meds.
Tessy just called and said she and Ryan won't be here until Saturday afternoon......instead of tomorrow. That will actually work out better for me.......but whenever they get here I'll be so happy to see's been a couple of months.
i clicked on the pictures themselves and can see how lovely the color is...and i'm right there with you about the allergies...generic zyrtec is my friend.
Oh dear, I've gotten behind. It was so nice to have the chance to host you and Jim at our house -- we had a lot of fun for such a rainy day! Chet can't stop talking about it. Did you happen to notice the dogwood across the street? It is so beautiful right now and seems to be thriving in Sebastopol -- maybe we'll try one in our front yard. And, coincidentally, I was just reading about a courtyard lilac garden in Venice...but you've got the real deal (I'm so jealous).
So, to clarify, you're cooking Molly Pie this weekend, not tamale pie, right? I caused some panic at the dinner table tonight.... ;)
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