The rain has stopped! Not that it's actually sunny, but at least it's dry. I've spent pretty much all day outside hangin' out with the flowers......Once it gets warm and sunny I think they'll all burst out all over!......the anticipation is palpable. I planted a few more plants in the new barrels....they were ones that we'd dug up before when we were "reworking" the front flower bed. I hope they enjoy their new home and make me proud!
These photos are of one of the Dogwood trees growing in the front yard....they've really enjoyed the cool, wet Spring we've had. In the wild they grow in shadowy, damp places and usually where they are in the yard is a bit toasty for their taste........I SO feel their pain!
Hmmmm......May 5th.....guess I'll come up with something Mexican for dinner tonight.......I'm always up for any excuse to eat Mexican food! I got some great looking uncooked tortillas at'll be a perfect night to make a taco salad with
them. I only wish I had some of the salsa Ross makes to go with them........can you hear me Ross??
Those tortillas are the BEST!!! We always buy those things on trips to Costco. Ryan wants to make every single meal I make into a burrito because of those yummy tortillas.
i think it might be time for another batch of would probably still have some if seth hadn't dropped it all on the floor...
hey cuz...wanted to let you know i changed my blog address: blog, different post for today. see you on saturday :)
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