Today Jilly and her family get on a plane in L.A. and head home to Norway. They've spent the last couple of weeks in Utah, Nevada and Southern California. While they were still in this country it didn't really quite seem like they were "gone", but in just a few hours they'll be on a jet flying home. Even though their visit this year was more hectic than usual , we had such a wonderful time and the days I got to spend with Espen, Anders and Johan was time I'll cherish for ever.
This photo was taken out in front of our house and when Taige and Tia were here all the kids created this "club hole"........and what entertainment it was !!! They spent days out there playing.........well, not Espen...he's more into his Ipod and Itouch. Anyhow....they all had a ball and I wish I could hear them shouting and laughing out there right now. I know, however, that time does indeed fly and I'll be back in S.F. at the airport picking them up again before I know it !
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