Yes, I feel guilty ! I've been in and out of the pool all poor Jim is down at his office both today and yesterday, yes, that's right Saturday AND Sunday. I don't ever want to hear about how easy state workers have it.......I know you've thought it !........down at the Energy Commission the work load is staggering , the morale low . All this with a 15 percent pay cut thrown in for good measure.......bad times in ol' California.
I did actually do some profitable work today.......some sewing and designed a cool and easy clothespin holder.........yes, you should be drying your clothes on a clothesline ! I hope I can convince my customers of that , otherwise today may not turn out to be so profitable at all!
It's real hot up here today.......I'm counting down the days left in July. I'm sure it'll be just as hot tomorrow since I'm going down to help Molly and Ross move into their new place in Auburn and Molly makes it a point not to move anywhere unless it's at least 100 degrees ! Hopefully, we can nail Seth to help this time.......but , whatever, it'll end up being an exciting, memorable day!
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