After three long weeks the long-awaited microwave is here ! The old one blew up just as I was leaving to head to Salt Lake........poor Jim had to heat up the meals I'd left for him the old fashioned way......which is really a pain. About ten times a day I head over toward the micro's home to take advantage of it's magic.......and there's no micro there! Of course, I'm not a real quick learner, but I just haven't seemed to be able to accept that it was really gone. Those days are over......thanks to UPS man who made the treacherous trip up the driveway. I only hope this new one will grant us with it's presence a little longer than the old one which lasted only about 2 years. I won't get going on the whole situation of throw-away infuriates me!
It's cold and drizzly up here today........but nothing like the huge thunder and lightning storm we had last night. I've been in lots of thunder storms, but I think last night's storm had them all was wild! Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep, but I still managed to have real productive day. Lot's of cleaning.......some much neglected sewing.....and now on to dinner and an NBA finals game 1 to watch!
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