Her she is......the transplanted little Banty from Elverta! Seems that she's settled in nicely with Cookie Jar and before too long they'll be joined by the five little chicks. The new little hen is a feisty little thing....as all small hens must be.......I don't think she's had much human contact, or if she has it wasn't the positive kind. I'm sure she'll mellow out soon......Jim and I seem to have that effect on most creatures that find their way into our care.
Today Mom had to take her car in for a unexpected repair so I headed down to do some errands while we waited for her car. We headed to WalMart..I'm somewhat embarrassed to say......I really don't like what they do to small town America.....but, I must say, it's a pretty fascinating store to wander around in......I think next time I'll bring a picnic lunch....it's THAT big. I think I saved some money on the few things I bought....I know it's tempting to buy a lot of " made in China" junk that I don't need....but I resisted......Hurray for me!
It was pretty sunny and warm down in the valley.......still pretty cloudy and cold up here, but no rain today so I've been wandering around outside taking it all in. It doesn't really feel like winter any more even though it's still cold. I guess it's the light....very different than even a few weeks ago. I haven't had a fire all day....none in the morning because I was working around and knew I was going to be leaving, but I think I'll start one now.....and then guess I'd better start thinking about what to cook for dinner......any ideas??
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