I've been meaning to introduce these young ladies to everyone sooner, but just haven't gotten around to it! Jim and I went down to the feed store a few weeks ago and got four little Rhode Island Reds. They were only two days old when we brought them home.....very adorable. However.........a couple of days later we noticed that one had suddenly died. Such is life...er , death...in the world of chickens. Several days later...the day Seth moved into his apartment, we stopped and picked up two more chicks. It was a miserable cold day, snowing clear down in Auburn and the poor hapless little chicks were in a paper bag. While we moved Seth's stuff from his storage locker to his apartment I struggled to get the little ladies warm.......they were some confused , cold chicks! Finally, we headed back up here so Seth could pick up his car. The road was a mess......deep snow, cars slipping all over...long story short....it took us about two hours to get here.....a trip that usually takes about 20 minutes. After a very long day the chickies at last met their new roomies and snuggled in their cage by the woodstove. Everyone's been doing really well since that day.....they're no longer fuzzy little things....they now have actual feathers. I almost undid all the the hard growin' that's been going on today when I tried to get a good photo of them......I opened a the cage door, the better to see them and out they poured! So I spent close to an hour chasing the girls around the family room.....hoping someone wouldn't find a hiding place that I couldn't find! At last we were all exhausted....they were safe in their home and I headed for the fridge and popped open a Diet Coke!
Dinner's over
13 years ago
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