August 7......double birthday in this family. Jill turns 40 and Dan is now 26 ! I talked to Dan and he and Anna were on their way out to dinner......I haven't wished Jilly a" Happy Birthday" yet as she and Gaute are spending the weekend in Prague. So it seems as though both Dan and Jill are having a fun day. All these kids know how to do that ! year on my birthday I'm going to do something besides buy a meatloaf!!!!
I went down to Auburn this afternoon and met Molly. We headed to our favorite thrift store and checked out their goods. Molly bought some books for her classroom and I found a shirt for Seth. We headed over to Seth's to drop off the shirt and he and Amanda were there so we stayed and visited a few minutes. Seth was headed to the mountains to climb and Amanda was headed home to the Bay Area as she had a conference to attend this weekend.
As for me, I came home and started beating back the accumulated cucumbers and zucchini. More dill pickles and then the first batch of zucchini relish of the year.
I just finished my dinner......a big salad with LOTS of tomatoes. I ate alone since poor Jim is down at the office. I think this big project he's working on will be done sometime in the end of August....until then I envision a few more solitary dinners.
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