Today they came and removed a trusted friend......our old wood stove ! In it's place we have this new ,shiny, much bigger replacement. I'm sure on, or around, the first snowy day up here I'll grow to love this stove also, but for now I kind of miss the little , scarred and knicked stove that took such good care of us. Jim said it didn't have much life left in it and we were afraid of a "burnout" sometime in the near future..........hence, the new stove. I actually like the looks of this one better than the old one , but I have issues with throwing out anything !
I don't know if any of you heard about the fire down in Auburn yesterday.........60 houses burned a matter of several hours. Very scary.......really hits home the reality of how precarious we are up here. All it takes is a bit of wind, a spark from somewhere and lives are changed.
Tomorrow Molly starts her first day as "Miss Molly" K/1 teacher. I think her pupils are very lucky indeed !
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