Yesterday I had such a lovely time........we went down to the Bay Area to a party at my old friend Stan's house. It was his mother Alice's 90th birthday and Stan and Jeannine threw her a beautiful party. Jim and I invited my Mom to go along with us and I know she really enjoyed herself as well. Their yard looked beautiful, the food was delicious, but for me , it was the 40 or so people there that absolutely made my day! I was among my liberal brethren of the great San Francisco Bay region......I could speak freely............nobody even mentioned Obama's medical "death squads"! weird religious, or on my part lack thereof, arguments............all the cars had No on Prop.8, instead of the hateful Placer Co. "Yes on 8" contingent........I found all sorts of people I could be friends with ! I must remember to head West more often......I love the mountains, but wish the folks here were a little.....or a lot.....more like the folks who hug the coast.
Dinner's over
13 years ago
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