Little Black Hen sure does have the nesting instinct , even though none of the eggs are hers! Every day when I go to gather the eggs this is what I encounter......along with a few pecks to the hand when I try to remove the eggs out from under her. Her brooding is all for naught ,however, since we have no rooster. I really do empathise with her.......I always got all crazy and never wanted to leave my house right before each of my babies was born......especially when there was no rooster!!!
Today Mom and I made a little escape from the heat and made a quick trip up to the summit to watch Seth climb. Molly was going to go with us and do a little climbing, but she got hung up at school...........these working people...what are they thinking!! Anyhow, it was so beautiful up there ....nice and cool....and I got a chance to see one of my favorite friends of Seth's and his girlfriend......I hadn't seen Mike for a long time. Even better.....I found out that his girlfriend ,Katie, plays the they have an open invitation to attend any and all get-togethers up here!
Our alarm was set for 3:30 AM this morning ......and off to the office Jim went. I just got a text from him and he'll be home in about an hour. I've got one of his favorite dinners planned.....barbecued chicken wings.....and I guess it's about time to get them started.
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