Last night we had a rather impromptu birthday celebration for Seth .....who turned 30 on Sept. 27. We just haven't seemed to have been able to get together before now. It was just Jim , me , Seth and Amanda......but we managed to have a celebration! I can't believe Seth is 30 !!! He can hardly believe it ! I think Jim believes it.....and pretty sure Amanda does also ! I don't think I've ever seen Seth happier and so satisfied with his life.......and I couldn't be happier for him.......he's so deserving of a full and loving life.
Today Jenny and I took a very wet walk and then since I was wet anyway we decided to stay outside and put up the "outside " Halloween decorations. Looks pretty cool out there ! Saturday is the big Autumn Birthday there'll be lots of guests to appreciate my silly whimsy.
It's getting so dark so very early that I guess I'd better get back out there and feed my ladies.....otherwise known as chickens.
1 comment:
Great picture of Bubba and Amanda! But you should have titled this one the great Amanda + Bubba name I came up with this summer - Abba!
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