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Happy Halloween to all you witches and goblins out there.......spooky times......spooky times...... You're all welcome to find refuge up here...not so much going on. I plan to spend a lot of the day upstairs in my torture chamber creating bewitching aprons and spellbinding towels.......perhaps trying to revive the watering my flowers ! Jim just left for the dump where he's likely to encounter all sorts of gruesome garbage......and we'll probably watch the UC Berkeley game later and they're likely to be massacred.......
it could be scary. Tonight we're headed down to Ross and Molly's for a little Halloween get-together ..........
Yikes !........going out after dark.....way out of my comfort range !
Yesterday as I was out walking, my good friend, Pam.......who moved from here to Oregon.....was driving around up here searching for me in all the places we used to walk together. Her intention was to surprise me....unfortunately, I was walking a route that we'd never gone on. Anyhow...she tracked me down here at home and brought me this pretty flower ! She was on her way back up to Oregon after visiting one of her sisters in Monterey. It was wonderful to see her and ,of course, we picked up right where we left off and had a great visit.
Today, after another brisk walk, I headed down to Auburn and went to the feed store and took care of that dreaded chore........having the oil in my car changed. I hate sitting in little waiting rooms and reading old, yucky magazines ! I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and after putting the groceries away I had all the good intentions in the world of heading upstairs to thing lead to another and I never did get up there ! After the lousy sale I had last time I'm having a real hard time getting myself going. I hope this coming show on Wednesday will reverse that trend.........I'm freaking out a little bit......what if all Santa brings anyone this year is lumps of coal !!!
Too bad people don't get more excited about eggs.....I'm just about to go out and collect more of those........maybe I should make Xmas ornaments out of the shells.......hold on....wait a minute......I'm might be on to something !!!!!

In a nick of time.... before the weather's supposed to change........cold and windy starting tomorrow......I met Molly and her class at a farm in Auburn. The owner of the farm is really into what he does and it all really rubbed off on us........ all organic and such a variety of produce ! I learned a lot and really wished I'd had a paper and pencil to take notes. He even grows chestnuts, which I thought only grew in the Northeast.....but there they were...huge old chestnut trees right smack in Auburn and huge chestnuts all over the ground ! He roasted some for us.....I hadn't had one for years.....and they are every bit as delicious as I remember ! I bought some from him and plan on roasting them this weekend. The kids and their parents seem to love Miss I knew they would......
Been thinking a lot about my blue-eyed girl, Tessy.......I wish she lived close enough for me to see her more often......I hope all is going well and that she knows how loved she is.
I talked to Jilly a few days busy.....full time job and 3 active boys......I wish she was closer too......I would love to be able to help her out with everything. I know there are times she wishes she was closer too , but I think she belongs to Norway now and I don't blame her a bit !!! .........who wouldn't want to live in Norway !
Actually...right now ......I'm glad I'm right where I am.....headed up to my big, soft bed on a cold cozy night.
On this beautiful Saturday afternoon Molly and I decided to "do" Nevada awesome little locale close by. First stop was, of course, Pacos in Grass Valley......there we shared some great veggie burritos and caught up with each other's lives. Molly loves her teaching position and adores her kids........a great situation ! I love Jim and my life on "the farm".......also a great situation !!! After patting ourselves on the back we left and headed on up the road to Nevada City. Molly and I have spent so many pleasant amblings up there and today was no exception. We both got a couple of little "gifty" items for Xmas gifts and a few ideas for later. This is all so my- dream -come-true.....days just like today. Amanda and Seth are coming up for dinner tonight......Amanda's a big Angels fan so we'll be watching and rooting tonight when the game's on. Grilled steaks and Jim just picked a big bunch of lettuce for a salad.......Go Angels !!!!!
I love October.........because of days just like this one ! When Jenny and I were walking this morning there was a definite "bite" to the air......I was actually beginning to question my decision to wear shorts ! When we got home , I was so invigorated I couldn't wait to dig in the household chores........the house was spic and span when I was finished. I just couldn't bear the thought of hanging out in the work room upstairs so I decided I'd do a little early Xmas shopping ....... off to the thrift stores I headed ! This Xmas will be a little different than a lot of previous Xmases[spelling?].......I've got to get a whole lot more creative......I'm looking forward to the challenge. I scored a few potential gifts and felt pretty satisfied with myself ! Oh......I I was driving to the store I passed Seth on his way to the we each stopped for a quick hug. I LOVE when that happens......running into one of the kids somewhere in Auburn !
When I got home I forced myself upstairs for a while.......soon ended up wandering around beautiful !!!! As I was walking around my pocket started to vibrate........a phone call from Amanda ! Sorry to report that she has the crud that's going around......I hoping she feels better soon.
Thanks to Friday Furloughs this is the start of the weekend for us......time to rev up the chainsaw !
Yesterday was our annual Fall Birthday Bash.......somewhat sparsely attended due to illness and that old ! We had enough of a crowd, however, for a lot of fun. My mom had some battery issues with her car and so we had a couple of extra attendees from AAA ! Since it was a smaller than usual group the gathering turned into a kind of sit-around-the-kitchen-table kind of day. Lots of wonderful conversation......and way too much food ! Just my kind of event !!!
Mom ended up spending the night because of her battery issues and so we had a nice "German Pancake" breakfast and a bit of a morning visit, which was very nice. Since she left Jim and I have been enjoying an afternoon of pigskin far Ross and I are even-steven today.
It's getting real cloudy and I guess we're in for more rain tomorrow......hopefully Jenny and I get our walk in before it starts. ........although I can't really say I mind a walk in the rain.
Last night we had a rather impromptu birthday celebration for Seth .....who turned 30 on Sept. 27. We just haven't seemed to have been able to get together before now. It was just Jim , me , Seth and Amanda......but we managed to have a celebration! I can't believe Seth is 30 !!! He can hardly believe it ! I think Jim believes it.....and pretty sure Amanda does also ! I don't think I've ever seen Seth happier and so satisfied with his life.......and I couldn't be happier for him.......he's so deserving of a full and loving life.
Today Jenny and I took a very wet walk and then since I was wet anyway we decided to stay outside and put up the "outside " Halloween decorations. Looks pretty cool out there ! Saturday is the big Autumn Birthday there'll be lots of guests to appreciate my silly whimsy.
It's getting so dark so very early that I guess I'd better get back out there and feed my ladies.....otherwise known as chickens.
We woke up this morning to wind and rain......we've been warned about it's imminent arrival all week....and so far it hasn't disappointed. This storm will bring a definite end to the fire season......and the start of a Foresthill winter. I'm enjoying our new wood stove and so far it's keeping me warm and cozy . I think it even may be burning the wood more efficiently than the old one.
I got out the Halloween decorations and have the inside of the house all "Spooky".....the outside will have to wait until nicer weather ! I also used some of our apples and made a batch of good and so expensive to buy. Guess I'll have some of the kids up for a curry dinner soon !
Speaking of kids........I talked with Tessy yesterday and she seems to be doing well. Her friends up in Humboldt are keeping her busy and she sounded pretty positive. By the way......thanks to all of you for your good thoughts and kind words.......we all appreciate them so much.
So.....on this cold and stormy day......cozy up and give each other a big hug !
Today is my Mom's 87th birthday.......I was so fortunate to be able to spend the day with her. I meant to take some great photos of all of us , maybe some gift opening shots, the party at the restaurant....but I forgot my camera and so all you get is the left over carrot cake. And a yummy cake it was! Denny, Joan and Molly joined me for the always it was great to get together. Mom looked wonderful dressed in one of her signature colorful t-shirts and, as always, was in great humor ready for whatever the day held. I enjoy so many traits of my Mom.....none I cherish more than her sharp wit and incredible sense of humor. Happy Birthday, Mom.........looking forward to another great year of hangin' with you !
The squirrels are out all over the place making their winter plans......therefore...... time to venture forth in the 4-Runner , water bottles in hand, and find the biggest, best dead oak we can find! Way out on Deadwood.....our favorite foraging spot.....we found the mother lode of oak ! Jim is so good at spotting fallen oak.......wayyyyyy off the road! And I'm such a big help to him ! First he has to split into quarters all the big rounds he just cut so I can even lift them to put them in the truck........then I whine a bit about scratchy bushes , because I don't believe in long pants and......excuse me......but, I ONLY wear sandals.........and all the way home I ask strange questions about everything we encounter......I'm sure Jim thinks he's riding with a 5 year old..........but, these ventures are strangely affirming.......we're so glad and fortunate we have each other and that a trip down Deadwood can be a rousing, loving good time.
Ryan , I've gotten to know you so well this past week.............through your amazing and wonderful family............your legion of warm and caring friends.......and the loving eyes of my precious daughter..........I love you,Ryan.........peace.