Disaster yesterday! While we've been able to protect our little flock from the local bear population, it seems a local fox has , well, outfoxed us! He,or she, figured out how to break in to the hen house yesterday and slaughtered all but one of our hens. How she escaped we have no clue , but we found her cowering in the garage. This is such a sad situation for us. These particular hens were hands-down the nicest we've had. They were sweet, kind to each other , and turning out to be great layers. Wiped out in a matter of seconds I'm sure. This sweetheart, who made it out alive , is now sequestered in a small cage in the garage until Jim has time to rebuild the coop. I've named her Cookie Jar because she's so sweet and looks just like a ceramic cookie jar I have . She even laid us an egg this morning.......all under such duress! I'll miss them all ,but most of all my little Henny Penny, the little banty who ran the place. So sorry we weren't able to protect you all ladies........I only hope your replacements are half as wonderful.
Dinner's over
13 years ago
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