Well it turns out we falsely accused our farmyard fox. This morning when Jim was in the garden he looked over and there was a small female bobcat in the chicken coop......no doubt the culprit who did in the chickens! Since we have no guns...yet...she scampered on her merry way.......but I'm sure the coop will be forever on her daily travels. Jim's spent the day fortifying the coop and hopefully she'll decide it's way too much work to try and find a way in.
Seth and his friend Jon rolled in from Bishop last night. Seth's been gone for almost a month climbing in Bishop. Sounds like they had a great time........I'm glad to see them safely back. I guess the apartment search begins for Seth now......probably down in Auburn. Close enough for me to bug him every so often!
I'm so excited about tomorrow...... I'll probably post something then......after my tears of joy dry!
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