Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I woke up this morning feeling a little it is Halloween, which used to be the most exciting day of the year.......and now it's kind of just another day. When the kids were little it was a day full of witch hunts, ghostly visits, rummaging through the "dress up" clothes for possible costumes. For dinner there'd be pizza or mashed potatoes made to look like a pumpkin and for dessert a special ghost cake. But the best part would be tromping around in the cold with the littlest member , who ever it happened to be that year, going door-to-door with them as they bashfully uttered..."Trick-or-Treat"!

I probably was too busy in those days to really value all those precious minutes and I know someday I'll look back on the days I'm living now and realize I should have been valuing every minute's a beautiful Fall day outside, it rained all night, but now the sun is out....the air smells so fresh and I live in such a beautiful place.

Jilly just called and I talked to each of the boys.....full of Halloween excitement.....and guess what !! They're having a Halloween pizza and Anders said a witch was going to visit them! Happy, Happy Halloween!!!!

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