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Last Friday we made a big change up here.....our new sofa and chair were delivered ! They look beautiful and besides needing a little "breaking in", are very comfy. Now what to do with the old pieces......loyal and soft for over 15 years . Hurray.....Tess and Boyce said they would be delighted to give them a new home. Yesterday they came to pick them up.....I included 3 rolls of brown duct tape as a bonus ! It was wonderful, as always, to see their smiling faces and have a little visiting time. Bryn was his usual feisty self......I hope he never loses that swagger !
I talked with Seth this morning and all is well in Santa Barbara.......I think they love it there. Maybe they'll help me conquer my So Cal distain !
Beautiful Fall weather ......they say all this week. My very favorite time of year.
Well, actually it was about ten days ago......but what's ten days amongst friends !! But, back to the point, ..... it was about as fun of a day as a moving day can be ! To start with, it was fairly cool and cloudy...... lots of eager smiling faces to help.....and, homemade peach cake that Amanda's dad, Steve, brought to share !! I only discreetly shed a couple of tears as I said good-bye, and recovered my smile by the time I got to my car.
Seth was actually just up here for a night. He was coming from Yosemite were he had just completed a "clean" climb of Freerider on El Cap. He was so stoked.......check one off the bucket list !!
I'll really miss Seth and Amanda being so close, but they're off and running now with bright futures ahead. Love you guys : )
Tonight is Friday Night Lights at Foresthill High School.....time for game 2 of the season. We also went last week....they lost...but we're hoping for a win tonight. It's so fun to a bonus there are beautiful sunsets in the pines from the bleachers.
I spent the day today listing towels on Ebay and Etsy.....time to raise some money for Xmas ! Wish me luck.....or I may be investing in some coal !!
Yesterday was Bryn's first birthday ! Hard to believe it's really been a whole year since Granny and I made the trek up to Paradise to meet the newest member of the clan. It was love at first sight.
In the past year I've been in the emergency room with Bryn, held him moments before his surgery, finally figured out how his car seat works, seen some of his very first smiles and waves bye-bye, spent countless hours in the lakes and rivers of the Sierras floating around with him [Captain Bryn] and watched my lovely daughter grow into a loving and capable mom.
Not bad for just one single year.
Wow. it's been over a month since I last posted, July 7th seems like a lifetime ago ! The house was overflowing with people I love, grandchildren everywhere. There were seemingly daily trips up to the lake, kayaks and the canoe were a permanent fixture on the truck ! Meals took all three tables on the deck and the line wrapped around the kitchen while everyone patiently waited to dish up their food. These summer months when the all the kids come and go bring me such joy..... how could I be any more fortunate !

Everyone is back in their own homes now, still lucky enough to have the "local" kids around quite a bit. Tess and Bryn come over often, Molly not as often any more since her school has started back up and Seth is around when he can squeeze it in between work and climbing ! But.....the wonderful news among the "locals" is that Dan and Anna are pregnant !!! Yep.....number 7 is on the way, due the end of March ! Everyone is so excited and what wonderful pare nts that little baby will have !
There's a horrible fire up here right now.....up on Deadwood Ridge, our beautiful firewood gathering spot. It started on Saturday and still burns out of control.....the air quality here is horrible, heavy, heavy smoke.
Today was spent doing the late summer canning. Pickles and chili sauce was made last month we have nectarines and yet more tomatoes to deal with ! Today I made a lot of nectarine salsa......I love it with salmon......and more chili sauce. I'll start on the beets soon and also put up some more stewed tomatoes for soup this winter.
Next Wednesday is Brynnie's 1st can bet there'll be a few pictures !
wow.....what a week it's been ! Over 100 degrees every day while Josh and fam were here and staying there when Jill and family arrived. Yesterday it cooled a little, but by next weekend the temps should climb back to the 100's. We've been staying cool with the help of our little lake and what a great time "the cousins" all had ! They discovered the rope swing on the other side of the lake and so they took turns rowing the kayaks over , having a few swings then heading back. They also found a large log that was floating around and pulled it around the bend......lots and lots of fun on that rolling log ! Needless to say, the dogs were in heaven.....Callie was awesome on the log, I think we should take her to the coast to try some surfing !

Jack and Donna and Dan and Anna came up the day after the was wonderful to see everyone and we enjoyed a light dinner on the deck. The next day was tipi raising day and it dawned, once again, hotter than a pistol. It turned out to be an all day event.....thanks again Jack and Donna, we couldn't have done it without you ! We were all heat and sun exhausted by the time we got it done, but it's awesome to have it proudly standing !
Today I think Jill and I are headed to Nevada City to meet Tess and Bryn......Grandpa Jim, the boys and Callie once again headed to the lake !
Holy's a winter storm in June ! Yes, hard to believe,but we just received around 2 inches of rain in the past two days. Highly unusual for Lupine Hill. We often get summer storms with thunder, lightening and a brief downpour, but the last couple of days have been steady rain and cool temps. All the flowers and veggies are a little beaten down , but in the long run I'm sure they'll appreciate this damp gift.
Josh and his family were due to show up on Thursday, however, Josh called this afternoon and said due to a great job opportunity they won't be here until probably Saturday. That works out ok for us since we haven't been able to "open" the pool yet due to the weather. We definitely want the water to be welcoming since by the time they get here it's forecast to be well into the nineties up here !
Jilly and her family will be arriving this coming Tuesday and staying until August 9th. They will be gone for a week in there around the end of July as they're planning a 10 day trip to Hawaii and then coming back here to spend Jilly's birthday on August 7. If you're reading this you're invited ........details to follow !
Molly and Matt came for dinner on Saturday......super fun evening. Matt is a great, funny and good heart. He probably be running the gauntlet in the next few weeks with all the family to meet. I think he'll be up for it !
Costco run with my mom is to spend .......right ? Hope not to rack up too big of, laundry detergent, bread and cereal being my main targets.
Exciting weeks ahead.....I'll do my best to stay somewhat current !

Last week at this time the temperatures were in the 110's down in the valley and not much cooler up here ! We sought refuge , along with Tess and Bryn, in the crystal blue, cool waters of the Yuba River North Fork . It was heavenly , I think Callie and I stayed in the water from about noon until 6:00 with only a couple of breaks to eat something :-) Bryn , I'm so proud to say, is a true river boy and stayed in almost the entire day also, only coming out because we forced him too, when he started turning blue ! The day will stay in my memory as one of the all time great sun, cool water, awesome water dog, people I adore......could anything be better ?

Well, coming close was a lovely get-away with my love. On Wednesday we got up early and loaded up the we headed to Lassen National Park. It is absolutely beautiful and we practically had the place to ourselves. It's an underused gem in the National Park system......I highly recommend a trip into it, even if only for the day. After an awesome day of sight seeing we headed back to our little home -away-from-home, situated on beautiful Deer Creek. Dinner by the campfire, roasted marshmallows, a cozy bed at night with the roar of the creek as a backdrop. Pretty nice ! The next morning we did some more scouting around the area before packing up to head home. Always wonderful to be home.......can't deny it !

Today I met up with Seth and Molly for a while. Seth is off to climb El Capitan ......again !!! Needless to say I'll be happy when he's back safe and sound. Molly is headed up to the mountains to spend some time with her boyfriend......he lives in Sierraville, a beautiful little valley high in the Sierras.
Quiet weekend ahead.......Bluegrass jam on Sunday !
Today we lost an old friend.......the large Sugar Pine that stood out behind the house. It always provided much needed shade in July and August and huge pinecones for the will be missed. Poor old tree showed signs of stress for a couple of years now and these past few months it was apparent it wasn't going to make it. This morning Jim walked out with the chain saw and down it came. The good news is that it will provide a lot of firewood this year, a year in which firewood is scarce. But......when you come to visit us next, you will notice it's absence, it's shade and a little bit of our home's history.
We haven't had much need of shade the past few's been really cool and rainy.....not typical May weather. Yesterday we had a cozy fire all day, played a few hands of cards and watched the rain fall. Today is a bit brighter, but still a reminder that Summer is not here yet.

Last Thursday, however, was a beautiful sunny day and Tess and Bryn came for the day. So much fun......Bryn is cruising around and jabbering all the day. He is such a good boy and already displays a ready sense of can really "play" with him.
On Saturday Tess, Bryn , Molly and I headed to the mall.......Yikes.....what a zoo ! Tess did manage to find a bathing suit, which is why we went, so I have to call the day successful. Spending the day with the girls and Bryn is always a blast for me.....maybe we'll do the mall again someday.....hopefully not until next year sometime !
Friday night we had dinner with some of our favorite people.....Seth and Amanda and Amanda's parents, Peg and Steve. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Club Car.......super fun evening.
Sun is peeking out now......guess I'll head outside and help Jim dismember the old Pine.
Almost half way into May ,a kind and gentle month. I've enjoyed two great weekends ......neither of which I'd trade for anything. The first weekend of May my mom and I drove over the salt flats and through the woods to Salt Lake .......destination , Josh's house. We arrived about 5 PM, a little weary , but none the worst for wear. We were greeted by hugs and smiles and a delicious barbecued dinner. Lot's of catching up and making plans for the next day......Melanie's University of Utah graduation !!! After lazing around their beautiful house for a few hours the next morning we shifted gears. We headed out to an old favorite, The Village Inn....many years ago Josh actually worked there....and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. Next since Josh had ...uh, "grown out of his pants"....we went on a mission for some dress pants. After securing a most stunning ensemble , we headed to Costco for party fixings. Just like that....time to go to the graduation.
It was a very nice ceremony and Melanie was singled out for honors before she made her way across the stage accepting her diploma. When we all met up outside afterwards she walked up to Josh and placed her sash around his neck, saying that it was a sash of gratitude and that she couldn't have done it without him. dry eyes in the vicinity! It was so very touching...... Mel, you are a sweetheart.
Once we arrived back at Josh's friends and relatives began arriving. It was a wonderful party......we all had a blast ! By 11 or so we were all exhausted and bed felt mighty good.
The next morning Josh,Taige and I took Timber for a walk and ball fectching session. He is a beautiful dog and inspired me to teaach Callie a few more stupid dog tricks. Watch out , all I can say...
and don't forget the Hula Hoop on the 4th of July !!!
Tia had a piano recital that afternoon......excellant job, Miss Tia and then Taco Time !!! Eat your heart out, Jilly !!!! Back to Josh's for an amazing drumming session by Taige , followed by a marathon dominos tournament......the day ending with dinner at a great Chinese restaurant.
Uneventful drive home the next day......sad to say "Good bye", but good to sleep in my own bed !!!
Last week Jim and I pretty much devoted our time to firewood gathering.....kind of a tricky task this year. No big storms so not many downed trees, meaning we had to work twice as hard for 1/2 the wood ! To top it off ...on Friday we came across a Rattlesnake........ALWAYS a bad omen for me !!!
A lovely Mother's Day yesterday....all the "local" kids came up.....Seth is somewhere on the face of El Capitan ! Of course, my mom was here also. Bryn was once again the focus.....he's so darn cute.....can't keep your eyes or hands off of him!!! I think we wore him out......not easy to do !!
A few nights ago Jim and I took a brief little Spring Break getaway . We headed a few miles up the road to Deadwood, our firewood gathering locale, set up our camper and basked in the wilderness ! It was beautiful weather up there .....about seventy or so......warm enough to seek out some shade. We cooked a camping dinner......sloppy joes and s'mores......sat around the ol' campfire and then retreated to the cozy confines of our camper. Callie claimed her spot on one of the benches, Jim and crawled into our soft bed to say everyone had a great sleep. After a breakfast of ham and french toast we packed up and headed home.....a good 20 minutes away !
I must say a shower felt awfully good when we got home.......I really must be getting old !! We spent the rest of the day working in the garden......everything is so lush right now. We have a fairly good crop of Lupines this year....much better than the past couple of years.
Saturday Tess and Bryn met me in Auburn and we headed to Roseville to have lunch with my mom. Molly met us later in the day and we did a little speed shopping.......Bryn had about "had it" by then ! I left the girls about 5:00 and headed home since I had a date with a tall handsome guy ! We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Club Car in Auburn.....super fun day !!
Tomorrow is the opening of firewood season here in Tahoe National Forest and we hope to be one of the first folks up to Deadwood. We scouted it out when we were up there camping and didn't see much oak, so we want to go early and try to get what oak we did see.
My mom is coming up tomorrow afternoon to spend the night and then early the next morning we leave for a quick trip to Utah to attend Josh's wife Melanie's college graduation. She's receiving her teaching credential and already has a teaching position for next Fall. Can't wait to see everyone !
Finally , after almost three long months, Jim has caught up with me ! I'm no longer the old hag while he basks in youthful vigor.....we both reside in the world of sixty-three now. I can at last relax and not worry about all the "younger" women of the world.
We celebrated last Saturday .......all the "local kids" came up as well as my mom and brother and sister-in-law. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm , and so the deck was the place to be. We also celebrated the two other April birthdays in the family, Anna and Boyce! There was lot's of food, a bit of beer, great conversation and ,of course, there was Bryn ! He's a bit of a party animal, he didn't sleep the whole day.....he was afraid he'd miss something cool !
On Sunday, Jim's official birthday, we headed up into the mountains aways to meet a very cool group of people that Jim plays with for an awesome Bluegrass jam. Some super talented people and the music was incredible. Could it be that maybe we have met "our" people and will soon have friends ???
Today was a gardening day.........all day !! Everything is pruned, cleaned up, replanted and all together ready to go for another growing season. Tired, but that really good kind of tired .
No excuses for my lame frequency of posts lately......I want to do better and I can hardly handle the guilt I feel when I'm so neglectful.
And..... the amazing weather continues ! A bit of rain on Wednesday and Thursday ......and now back to sunny and warm. I've taken advantage of this and had some adventure, some homebody time and some wonderful times with Jim.
A week or so ago, my mom, Seth and I headed up to spend the day with Tess and Bryn at their cabin. It was so beautiful up there and Tessy has done such a wonderful job in fixing up their little place and making it a warm and welcoming home. Anyhow, after taking in the sights around her home .....and some play time with Bryn....we decided to go down the road to Peterson Corner for lunch. Awesome roadhouse type place......not a poser roadhouse ....a REAL roadhouse started in the 1800's, complete with plenty of characters in the bar. Since we had Bryn with us we were very warmly welcomed......he had big, brawny men melting over his baby charisma. We enjoyed an awesome lunch ......I highly recommend the place if ever you're out in the middle of nowhere ! After lunch we drove back up the road to check out Tess' nearest grocery store.......Mother Truckers !! A step back in time to the sixties......I loved it and if I lived there I would find an excuse to go everyday ! It had everything the folks of rural Nevada County could want......natural foods , fresh produce and rolling papers!
Next adventure.....Jim and I headed down the hill to become among the elite......RV owners !! So exciting, although we haven't opened it up since we got it home since the weather was a little damp for a few days and we didn't want the canvas to get wet. Sure looking forward to some time soon to try it out on a little overnighter.
Last week Jim found some folks to play music with and seemed to really have a blast. They meet a couple of times a month.....I'm going down with him next time.....I'll report back with pictures !
Yesterday Tess and Bryn came over for the day......I was in heaven ! Brynny plays and plays......amazing ability to entertain himself. He got tired and Tess was tied up on the phone for work so I loaded him up in the wheelbarrow and off we went. He was asleep within 10 minutes and slept outside under a tree for several hours.
Today Molls and I met my mom for lunch and Molly got herself some new shoes at REI. I got some groceries for tomorrow.....Dan and Anna are coming up for the day and hopefully stay for dinner.....really looking forward to seeing them.
Yep, it's been simply lovely up here the past few days. It was around 70 degrees today and everywhere I look I see soft Spring green. The birds are slowly coming back for the Summer and the air is full of their chatter from sunup to sundown. Callie's frisbee skills are shaping up, my violets are blooming and I can't seem to stay inside for more than a few minutes at a time......I never think that I'm really a "Spring person", but I may have to reevaluate my thinking !
Jim's been busy constructing a "boat house" for the canoe and kayaks......I think he's been enjoying it.....although he has certainly experienced a little frustration here and there ! It sure will be nice to get the boats out of the direct sun and we're likely to use them more often if we don't have to check for snakes underneath them !
My daffodils are in full bloom on the front hillside.....a sight to behold. They amaze me with their cheery yellow and open "faces".
Tomorrow my mom and I are headed up to Tess' house. Just a quick visit to say "Hi" and to get a little Bryn time. I am so, so glad she lives close enough for quick, no fuss visits......I can hardly wait to get some big , juicy smiles from my boy.
Friday! We pick up our new camper on Friday ! Very exciting.....we may "camp" in it on Friday the driveway !!
What ????? Seventy -eight degrees by next Wednesday ? Daylight savings, daffodils, lazy dogs in the sun.......sounds like Spring to me ! I'm headed down to the used book store to pick up a few.......good weather for sitting in the sun with a so-so book in hand.
This past week Jim and I were "touring" Northern California hunting for a deal on Craigslist for a used tent trailer. Two days on the road......nothing panned out......and then......we remembered a little one we'd looked at in Loomis about a month ago at a dealer. After a quick call to make sure it was still available we drove from Napa to Loomis and bought ourselves a 1995 Rockwood Freedom tent trailer !! We pick it up next Friday ......just in time for our anniversary! It'll be a great little "overnighter" and a wonderful guest house while parked on the driveway. Well, you'll coming next week !
Most current "news" around here is that Amanda was accepted into the UC Santa Barbara PHD program and she and Seth will be moving down there around the middle of August. So proud of Amanda and thrilled for their new adventure. Seth just called for a visit and he was telling me he thought he would join AmeriCorps for a year down there. They pay a modest salary, health and dental insurance, plus will pretty much pay off his student loan. As I understand it he'll be working with disadvantaged students......great experience since he's considering getting his teaching certificate. Exciting times !!
Waffle morning tomorrow......Matt and Molly probably joining us.....maybe a little exploration trip to some obscure nearby place...and then a kickoff Spring rib barbecue.......soundin' good !