Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lettuce Bowl of California!

It's beginning to be "harvest time" around here.......from now until around January there'll be fresh grown veggies and fruit from the garden.....not to mention the fresh eggs from our faithful little chickens. Right now it's salad days....lettuce, snow peas, arugula, and green onions. Soon the summer veggies will be starting....tomatoes,squash,eggplant, raspberries, blackberries...followed by apples,peaches and nectarines. All this ...and then a supply of winter squash that keep for most of the winter. With food prices being what they are.......pesticides being what they are!'s wonderful to always being able to plan a dinner around our garden.

1 comment:

Daniel Page said...

Hey Mom, that lettuce looks really good.

We just got back into the country, the honeymoon was a blast, but we're also happy to be back home!