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I so enjoyed this weekend.....I was able to spend time with a variety of people who I love. Here's the social timeline : Friday Jack and Donna stopped by on their way home from Nevada. I've been missing them lately.....we hadn't seen them since Xmas ! We had a archery session......they're both very good !.......a lengthy gab session....and a chatty dinner. It was wonderful, as always, to spend time with them. Saturday afternoon I went down and met my mom at Chilis where we split one of our favorite salads. As always a wonderful visit.....there always seem to be lots to catch up on . That evening Jim and I went all the way down to Sacramento for dinner and a movie. We saw "Meek's Crossing" independent film about pioneers lost in the West. We enjoyed it , but it certainly is not a "mainstream" movie. We had dinner at the "Tea Cup" restaurant , one of our favorite downtown Chinese restaurants. It was freezing cold when we got home and snuggled under the down comforter.
Sunday I headed down the hill again to meet my lifelong friend, Belle. Belle and I grew up in the same little culdesac and we were good friends from childhood through High School. We managed to always find a lot of mischief and adventure. Belle lives in Berkeley now and comes to Sacramento about once a month to visit her mom and so we always make it a point to meet . On the way home I stopped in Auburn at the High School where Ross, Molly and gang were all playing baseball. It was pretty hilarious !
Yesterday, Monday, Ross and Molly came up for a Memorial Day barbecue. It was windy and cold so instead of sitting out on the deck soaking up the sun we sat inside by the fire and played some games ! Always a great time to see them , wonderful couple !
Today is my Tessy's birthday. I've tried to call her and text her , but no luck......she's elusive that Tess ! Twenty-nine years old......Happy Birthday, Sweetheart......I love you so very much.
While roaming around the front yard a couple of days ago we happened across this never-seen-before iris ......growing in a spot we've never noticed iris growing before ! These photos hardly do it's extremely delicate and the most beautiful shade of blue. I hope it comes back to visit next year , but it may take another 15 years before it shows up a again.
Yesterday I drove down to Roseville and met my mom at In-and-Out.......Yummmm. After we were absolutely stuffed we headed over to Lowes and ooohed and aaahed over the flowers. I also actually got some fertilizer for the flowers I already have and maybe........fingers crossed.......found some paint the will look ok in our bathroom. We've been trying to remodel it for well over a year now , but I've never been able to find a color of paint that I like and that will work with all the tile. Maybe, just maybe , the quest is over !
Today I packed up the 4-Runner with cans and bottles to recycle and earned myself $25 for my efforts ! A quick stop at the grocery store then home to work a bit in the garden. It was a beautiful day today, but the forecast calls for rain tomorrow........I don't think I believe it , but we shall see.'s a sunny day and even somewhat warm !! I'll never again take -for-granted being able to walk outside with out shivering.......actually .....I'm usually shivering in our house lately too ! Jim's still home enjoying his week long "staycation" , and today we took a break from firewood cutting and spent the day around here , working here and there.
I found time to clean out my car was turning yellow from all the pine pollen and then I got started on one of my favorite "chores" of spring.......making strawberry jam. It's just so beautiful ....ruby easy and I know how wonderful it will taste come the middle of next winter . I barely got started when I ran out of sugar , but I just couldn't stand to get in the car and head to the store sooooo..... tomorrow I'll be off sugar shopping and hopefully squeeze out at least 10 more jars of jam !
Saturday we're all off to neighboring Placerville for a live performance of the awesome Dry Creek Ramblers.......really looking forward to the day.
Even though I brought some plants inside yesterday , even though I made sure all the car windows were closed.....and even though I thought I was mentally prepared.......I did not really think it was going to snow !!!! As you can did !
I was super sad when I woke up this morning and saw the snow in the trees and my sorrow deepened when I saw all my flowers buried under several inches . I've really been enjoying being outside all day lately , working around with the flowers ....watching the veggies grow and checking out all the hummingbirds. But, now we're back to winter ...sweatpants are back on , wood stove's back burning, even Jenny's curled on a rug inside .
One very bright point of this day's my wonderful grandson Taige's birthday !! Taige is ....and has been from day one ..... a bright, sunny place in the universe. Happy Birthday, Taige.......we love you !
All the super vulnerable flowers are residing indoors today and probably at least through tomorrow ! All of a sudden it's gotten very cold and windy and the forecast is for snow here !! I'm pretty bummed ......just when I was getting used to the idea of summer ! I really fear for the flowers left outside, but there are just too many to bring them all in.......I just hope they're stout of heart !
Firewood getting season started up here this weekend least in Tahoe National Forest ......which is where we live. We got four loads yesterday and a couple of more today. Many more trips to go as we go through at least 6 cords of wood in a typical winter. I really enjoy firewood trips.....always exciting to see what you'll find and though I walk a lot , I rarely workout my upper body and throwing firewood around does a good job of that !
We'd hoped to go down and watch Ross' band play in midtown tonight , but I think it's just too cold and we're just too tired ! So here on the home front it'll be curry and maybe a movie in Netflix !

Friday night was Jim's debut with the Auburn gang's band " Dry Creek Rounders" .......I think it was a whole lot of fun for him and I hope he'll do some more fiddlin' with them soon !! They played at Luna's Cafe in Midtown Sacramento , a very cool, funky little place and I think just about every seat was filled. The band sounded awesome and the crowd was most appreciative . Besides being talented musically , the "boys" in the band are so wonderful and make us old folks feel so welcome hanging out with them.
Today was a beautiful day and Jim and I made the most of it working outside. We accomplished so much and we're tired, but , you know , it's that good kind of tired !
Tomorrow we should hear whether or not the Kings will be staying in Sacramento.....the owners have until 2 PM to make up their minds......stay or go. I'm keeping my fingers crossed !!!