For once a storm that just about lived up to the hype !! It did indeed snow close to a couple of feet.....and the extremely cold temps have been present ! Of course, up here we were without power for about 30 hours. But, then we're used to it and prepared for it ! Lots of reading yesterday and lots of time stoking the fire. Today I was able to navigate the driveway GO little Subie !......and drove down to the valley to see my oldest friend Belle from Berkeley. I picked my mom up so she could join us and we had a lovely afternoon, actually sitting outside at a Mexican cafe ! It always amazes me the difference in temperatures from up here to down there . I stopped on the way home and picked up some crab.....on sale at Raleys.... and of course some fresh we're all set for dinner tonight.
It's supposed to be down around 12 degrees here tonight and so I fear for my intrepid lemon bush,,,,,but, then, I can't believe it's lived over 10 years up here. Not really "lemon country" this divide !
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