All over the house my Paperwhites are blooming and the house smells so sweet. They're such beautiful little flowers with such a powerful scent.......I smile every time I walk past one of them. They're also blooming out in the garden.......can Spring be far behind? They often bloom here in December, poking out of the snow......this has been an exceptionally cold year so they've waited until now this year .
I went down to see my mom today and , as always, had a nice visit with her. I stopped by Beverly's .......a local craft store...on the way home and bought some new yarn and some new needles. I hope to increase my knitting skills in the next few weeks. I just can't sit without something to do with my hands and knitting has always intrigued me. I've taught myself the basics and I think I'm ready to expand my repertoire. I've also recently taken up dulcimer playing again. It's going slowly, but there again. it's something I really enjoy so I'm sticking with it ! Hopefully, I'll be able to post a new dulcimer video soon......without embarrassing myself too much !
Minestrone soup , fresh baked Dilly Bread and baked squash from the garden for dinner tonight.........all of Jim's favorites !
Mmm, I forgot about dilly bread. I'll have to make some soon.
I'm glad you've taken up knitting. I can't wait to get a homemade sweater from you next Christmas :-))
Don't hold your breathe !!!
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