Just wanted to say "Hi" and let everyone know that all is well here at Lupine Hill ! I 've been ignoring my computer lately and focusing all my attentions on my sewing machines . Not nearly as fun, but certainly more profitable !!
I took a break today and spent the day with Molly .....she had the day off today and since tomorrow's her 25th birthday we headed down to Roseville to do a little shopping and maybe have some lunch. However.......I've never seen so many people !! There were no parking places anywhere......we ended up going to ....where else......but Target !! Was a very fun day, nonetheless, and we found plenty at Target to occupy us ! Tomorrow there's a big get-together to celebrate her quarter century of life......I'll try and remember photos !
Jim and I have big plans tomorrow morning for a huge firewood haul......wish us luck !
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