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This time of year I seem to be obsessed with flowers.......they all look so beautiful and I'm always stunned by how hardy they are this changeable time of year. Today was a terrible day......cold , wet and windy......hardly a fit day for my beautiful Primroses to stick their little heads out........but just look at them......bursting out all over! Flowers are so effortless this time of year.......I miss their simplicity come the hot and dry days of Summer.
Seems like I spent a lot of the day on the phone today. I spoke with my Mom early this morning......followed shortly after by my precious girl, Jilly.......I'd no sooner hung up with her when my cousin Beverly.....on my Dad's "side".....called. We talked for about an hour with a lot of laughter thrown in ! Soon after that call my friend from Oregon , Pam , called.........we had to talk over her plans .....or lack of plans.....for her son's wedding. We always take up with our talks like we're still no time has past , even though she moved about 6 years ago !!!! My Dad even called this afternoon.....he'd wanted to get together this week sometime , but is having a new roof put on his house and wants to be around while they're doing the we'll postpone until a late date.
I guess we're in for more bad weather all week........I only hope Easter will be somewhat nice......I don't think the inside of our house is big enough for Jack the Easter Bunny to realize his full potential !
Over the week the peach trees have decided it's safe to bloom........that is until last night and today ! It's wet, windy and cold !!! I was just out there and the blossoms seem to be hanging in there , if we have half as many peaches as there are blossoms, we"ll be eating a lot of peach pie come summer !
I just got the fire going .........the house is freezing !! When I've tried to start it early today it just poured out smoke. Must be because the stove pipe was so cold and must have warmed up a bit because I've got a blazing fire going now !
I must admit I've been preoccupied lately with what's been going on in Washington DC.........damn those Teaparty types........code racist . I'm trying to think of a great bumper sticker to make, but I think I'm too frustrated by their antics to think straight. If any of you can think of a scathing bumper sticker phrase......let me know ...I'll make you a sticker too. I think I'm itchin' for a fight !!!!!
It's that time of year .....already. My tiny, sweet and demur little violets have come into their own. They're so precious.......blooming away in one of the coldest garden spots we have........assuring me that the turn of the earth continues to happen, the sun will shine more and the warm days are soon to arrive. Someday I'll learn how to make candied violets and then I'll make a sweet little cake to set them on.
After my walk today I went into full Ebay production......I'll certainly never be self-supporting with this endeavor , but it's doing okay. Today I refunded my first payment back to someone who purchased from first unhappy customer in over 300 sales. She said the quality of the fabric was not good......and actually that particular fabric I'd had a while and decided on a whim to cut it and list it......the fabric was not great, but not the worst I've seen........but....I just refunded her the full price and let her keep the fabric. Reputation is so important on Ebay.....I'd rather lose the money than lose my 100% positive feedback. Such is life for a struggling entrepreneur !

This morning on a beautiful warm sunny day ......we decided to head up the road into the cold snow!! It was time for the Annual Foresthill Sled Dog Race..........surely a fun way to spend the day ! Ross and Molly drove up to join us .........and we really did have a fun day. The Economic Recovery Act must not be working so well for the sled dog industry as there weren't nearly as many racers as usual.....but we cheered on for whoever showed up. It was actually sunny and very warm up up there, I mean about 15 minutes east for Foresthill. We enjoyed our picnic.......enjoyed throwing snowballs........and , of course , enjoyed each others company.
There may be snow on the ground outside, but I'm coaxing Spring in my kitchen. It fairly sunny at the moment , but cold and ,as I mentioned, snow on the ground. Jenny and I weren't even able to walk this morning......maybe if I'd had snowshoes! So it was just a stay home kind of day......mailed a few orders off.......checked out Facebook......and listed some new items on Ebay. I also just got off the phone with Tessy. She sounds really good........busy and optimistic. It was wonderful to talk with her.
Yesterday I gave Amanda a ride down to Roseville to pick up her car which was being repaired and after she got it we headed over to say "Hi" to my Mom. We went up to the "lodge" where Mom lives and we all shared a delicious sandwich for lunch. It was a very pleasant afternoon!
Kings are on the agenda for this evening.......guess I'll get the fire stoked up before Jim gets's always nice to walk into a reasonably warm house!
A day like yesterday can make you believe that Spring is here......but then a day like today assures you that it's not! Yesterday was a shorts day....a day to visit out on the deck.....cold beer, or Diet Coke, strawberry shortcake for dessert. Today's supposed to start snowing soon......and I'm back to sitting next to the wood stove!
It was wonderful yesterday to have Molly, Ross and Amanda up for the day........Seth was, of course, rock climbing. We enjoyed the sun, the deck, live music and when the sun set......dinner and a King's game. It made me so anxious for the coming Spring and many upcoming days where we can so enjoy each other. I really recommend big families........ the dividends are enormous!
All's not really my WORST nightmare.....and I could have gotten to town.....but, I was out of Diet Coke !! It was so cold and windy out that I really didn't want to drive any where and I just can't believe I had not one can of Diet Coke!!!! I'm always so careful about having a good size stash out in the garage.......I think this may be the first time such a calamity has occurred!!! it is ...almost 5:00 and I've survived the day........I'll be a stronger person because of this kids will be proud!!!
To distract myself from my dilemma I stayed really busy with my Ebay stuff.....easy to do because it's doing so much beyond my expectations. Orders all over the fun to see where my stuff's going.
Bubanda's coming up tonight to watch the King's game. Homemade chicken and noodles for dinner......Yummmm. I haven't seen Bubanda for a couple of weeks so I'm really looking forward to the evening.

While Jenny and I were walking this morning we saw signs of Spring was such a beautiful morning ! I love my morning walks.......the scenery is ever-changing........I have an excellent companion in Jenny......the 3 1/2 miles fly by!
Sometimes I'm lucky enough to encounter Mrs. Hansen as she completes her daily walk. She's a 96 year old women who's lived up here her whole life and still lives alone on her isolated property. She's always dressed for a polar winter and carries a big stick....literally! She also brings her little "mutt" along with her. We always stop to chat......she remembers Molly, as her daughter was Molly's seventh grade teacher and Molly was also friends with one of her granddaughters. Her love of the outdoors and of this rugged land is so inspiring to me.........I sure hope I'm hiking these hills at age 96!
This afternoon I went down to Roseville and met my Mom at Chili's .......where we shared one of our favorite well as some chips and salsa!!! From there we made a quick trip to Costco and I'm sure we saved ourselves hundreds of dollars!!
Costco doesn't really make as much sense for me anymore now that I don't have a small army to feed, but it's fun to go there and their whole wheat bread is the best I've found.
A storm's moving in tonight........wet, cold weather for the next few days, maybe snow.........but, mornings like the one I had today.....I feel a lot more coming this way!