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A near perfect Thanksgiving weekend !! Although the day was wet and cold, the power stayed on and everyone made it safely "up the hill" on Thanksgiving Day. It was a cozy, often hilarious day.........full of love and abundant food !
Friday Molly, Ross and I did a little mini Black Friday excursion. Ross got a great deal on a big screen TV and Molly and I just had fun being out and about. I hope their new TV fits in their living room......they may have to cut a hole in the wall !
Yesterday Jim and I went down to Lodi to watch the Foresthill Wildfires play in a championship game. was cold and foggy down there, a condition we fortunately don't get up here. The game was a bit disappointing .....the Wildfire lost 6o to 6 !! Well, better luck next year !
We took the chance to do a little exploring since we were down in unfamiliar territory . We found lots of beautiful country and quaint little towns all along the southern foothills. When just about home we stopped in at a great little Chinese restaurant in Cool and picked up some dinner to take home. We actually watched two movies on our Roku while we enjoyed our dinner.
Today was all about working was such a gorgeous day. I got lots of pruning done and even put up the outside Xmas lights. Oh...... Boyce texted me this afternoon .......the infamous llamas are in the trailer and on their to their new home at Tess and Boyce's Stoney Oak Ranch !! They even sent a video to prove it ! I guess I'm about ready to forgive Buster......the mean llama..... even though my leg got pretty badly infected by his mauling of my's finally about healed and all is forgiven !
I just got done making the ginger cookies for the "big day", the rolls are made tomorrow will be the Jello salad [it's my oldest tradition], three pumpkin pies and tearing the stuffing up . Thanksgiving Day itself will be a piece of cake.....I want plenty of time to enjoy each and every person who shows up at our table.
I'll take a few minutes here to catch you all up on the last week which was really fun one ! Last Friday night Jim and I headed up to Foresthill High School to watch our UNDEFEATED football team, The Wildfire. It was about 33 degrees, windy and alternately rain and sleet.........and the place was packed !! Everyone toughed it out and were rewarded with a big win ! It's on now to the conference championship game....this Saturday down in Lodi. Not bad for our little school with a population of around 80 kids!
Saturday we had planned to go up to Tess and Boyce's to help wrangle their new llamas into a trailer to take up to their place. was not to happen ! When I got up that morning and came downstairs something seemed not quite right. I opened the door that goes out to the garage and saw what it was ! Our water heater had given out and the garage was flooded with an inch of water. What a mess !!! And we'd had such a fun day planned together ! So sad....... Jim lined up a plumber for that afternoon and I took off to do what I could to help with the llamas. Well....I got up to Oroville about noon and off we went to pick up Buster and Lady , the new llamas. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful place, but the llamas were ugly mean ! There were 5 of us there and we were never able to get those stubborn animals in the trailer ! We finally gave up when Buster ran over me , slicing my ankle up . It started to swell and has not stopped must have bruised a bone or tendon. Whatever is wrong, it is not fun and I miss having two good legs !! Tess and Boyce felt terrible, but I would not have missed all the fun for the world !
Sunday was spent on the sofa with my leg propped up on a pillow......I minded not a bit, there were some great football games on all day.
Tomorrow my Molly has the day off so we'll spend the day together. One of my favorite traditions of all.....last minute grocery shopping for Thanksgiving together. Does that sound like a lame tradition? Believe's one that I cherish.
I wish that Jilly and Josh were here to join us on Thursday.......I love you both so very much and you will be in my thoughts all the day long.
Kind of a disjointed day......even for a Monday ! I was just getting ready this morning to bake some bread to take to Amanda's mom and dad's house for dinner tonight when my phone rang . It was Peg, Amanda's mom, ......dinner tonight was cancelled. Molly had texted me earlier letting me know that she was sick and wouldn't be able to go and I guess about that same time Peg heard from Amanda that she was sick also ! We'll try again sometime's so difficult to find a day when everyone can make it.......but I'm sure we'll all find a way to be together soon. In the meantime........get better soon Molly and Amanda . Tess started her new-old job !! She and her boyfriend, Boyce, have moved out of Humboldt and have started setting up their homestead about 70 miles from here. Putting in a well and bringing in electricity .....not to mention building a home....all require a bit of money ! Therefore.....Tess is back in San Francisco working at a job she had a few years ago. She was very good at it and they were very happy to have her back. To save money she'll be living with her dad and Susan during the week and then heading up to her and Boyce's ranch during the weekend. I'm so glad she'll be closer and look forward to lots of fun times with her !
My youngest baby is 26 years old today !!! Impossible ! Molly is still the adorable, sweet girl she's always been and I'm so lucky to be able to spend time in her life with her. I see her usually about once a week and always enjoy each and every minute of it . Today I went down to drop off her presents and give her a few hugs. Ross joined us and we went to Tsudas......a great deli in Old Town....and enjoyed some great sandwiches, homemade potato chips and lively conversation. We then headed off to check out some of our favorite junk shops. No luck with treasures,but still a lot of fun.
Sorry about this photo....I wanted to find one of Molly all by herself, but apparently I've given her the photo book that has all her photos in it ! This one was taken when we lived in Idaho, Molly was probably about three and it was on a Xmas tree cutting expedition. Big brother, Josh, stands by......always Molly's fiercest defender !

It's cold, wet and dark.........Fall must be here ! We can't complain, it's been beautiful for a long time and my pastel flowers really do clash with my Thanksgiving decorations......yes, it's time for a change in the weather !
Yesterday was a burn day......meaning we were able to have a large bonfire of various trimmings and cuttings that had piled up over the summer. I guess I'll never outgrow my fascination with fire......the large burn piles are one of the great perks of life in the country. Always fun and exciting days.
After the pyrotechnics were over I headed down to Auburn to meet Molly and do a little thrift store Xmas shopping. Lots of people had the same idea ! The store was packed and the treasures were little.......kind of disappointing ! We headed over to Target.....which never disappoints .....and picked up a few things. Xmas will be a little different this year...... fewer gifts and littler gifts with more cash involved. Sounds confusing ? It is ! Molly's helping guide me through the process.....the challenge is, how to keep Xmas morning exciting for less money !
Today is , of course, devoted to football......go Niners !