Oh, my goodness......Santa slipped down the stove pipe a week early this year !! I guess he knew we wouldn't peek until the Official Day ! Well....there"ll be eleven of us here Xmas morning......that's a lot of wrapping, name -tagging and arranging.......take it from me, I know !!
Up here the rain continues....on and on....combined with heavy winds. Over 2 " last night alone. Still no snow, but keeping our eyes out for tomorrow. The big news is.......no power outages !! It's stammered a few times, but managed to pull itself together. Good thing , too ! I've been baking all day and it's been nice to have my modern electric oven......I haven't attempted wood stove baking yet !
Molly and I spent yesterday down in Auburn, picking up little things here and there.........the fun times of Xmas shopping.....last minute gifts! I talked to her this morning and Ross made it safely home from his gig in Reno, but it must have been a harrowing ride home.
Still don't know when my Tess will be home.......if you read this, Tessy .......give me a call !!
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