This beautiful Xmas cactus sits outside on the front porch all during the hot summer months only needing a drink of water now and again. Then, about the first of November it begins to transform itself into a show piece. Right on schedule.......full bloom for Xmas Day ! It's hardiness and seasonal determination are a wonder to behold.
It's cold and wet up here today. No snow, but I guess it'll be here later in the a White Xmas on the horizon ! It was a cozy day up here , Jenny curled up by the sofa...... and me........I finally got all the gifts organized , wrapped and under the tree...yippee ! Time now for baking........sugared walnuts, lace cookies, fudge and maybe chocolate dipped pretzels [for you, Ross !].
Today's is Johan's 10th birthday and I had a nice visit on the phone with him this morning.......10 years and he's been a joy each and every one .
I may venture down to Costco tomorrow for Xmas dinner fixin's , it's sure to be crazy , but such is the Season !
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