My old friend and neighbor.......who now lives in nearby ! Pam is staying "down the hill" at her daughter's house for a week minding the grandkids while her daughter and husband enjoy life on the beaches of Hawaii. She called the other day and we made plans to hang out together today. Pam was my Foresthill walking partner for about 5 years and also a "Mom " to a large family......she loved living out in the middle of nowhere and together we roamed the most remote trails nearby......usually ending up in scaring the sh** out of ourselves , but it was always a fun distraction from , in those days, the near constant cooking , cleaning and chauffeuring!
It was great to see her and, as always, it's like we still talk everyday. The conversation flows easily, the laughter almost constant and a bond that will exist forever. I'm so lucky to have so many "close" friends that are actually very "distant" hundreds of miles away, but my relationship with them all remains so strong. I've never collected a lot of friends, but manage to hold on to the ones I've made !
This Saturday....the day before my Mom's 88th B Day.....Molly and I are driving my Mom to the coast for a festive lunch.......hopefully a bowl of killer chowder ! I haven't be to the coast for quite a while ......I think we're all looking forward to the day. Hopefully I-80 will cooperate and traffic will be light.
Cold and cloudy up here today and I wrestle with the dilemma of when it's appropriate to start having a fire going. I think of all the work involved in getting a year's worth of wood and's hard to strike that match. Sounds like it may warm up a little this weekend.......maybe no decision needed for a while !
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