The summer canning season has officially started !! The first of the pickles are done and the kitchen smells so deliciously like dill. It'll be almost Thanksgiving before they're done "curing" and ready to eat, but will be so worth the wait !
It was.....and is .....a pretty wonderful Sunday. Jim and I drove down to Auburn to buy some lumber at a store that's going out of business and all the lumber is 40% off. It's sort if like Ma and Pa Kettle when Jim and I go to town in the 4Runner, we look like we haven't been off the "hill" for 10 years ! Afterwards I did the pickles and then escaped the hot , steamy kitchen and jumped in the pool. Felt sooo good and after about an hour of soaking I feel cool and refreshed.
A S.F. Giants game just started.......against the Dodgers no less ! Beat L.A., beat L.A. !!
Fresh peach shortcake made, potatoes in the oven and steaks ready for the grill........sweet,sweet August.
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