Monday, June 4, 2012

Barbeque and Birthday Cake !

   We spent a most enjoyable day yesterday up at Tess and Boyce's beautiful home.  Boyce had organized a little get-together to celebrate Tess' birthday.  Tess' 30th birthday must be amongst the longest celebrated days in history.....a good week of celebration !!  Anyhow.....yesterday was a highlight of the celebrations.  Granny and Amanda drove up with me and Jim and we were joined by Tess and Boyce's friends John and Tedda......a wonderful couple from Davis.  Boyce had scored the most delicious ground beef and homemade buns from a little local store near where they yummy !!!  They have a beautiful swimming hole on their property and it was a warm day ........ the water was delightful.  Thanks, T&B, for the hospitality.......the day was a blast !

    Jim and I have spent the day today inside by the fire !  What a change in the the 90's yesterday ........struggling to reach 50 today !  It's also been pouring all day.....over an inch of rain already.  Tomorrow's supposed to be a little cooler, but not so much rain.  I'm missing the warm sun......this weather is just wrong in June.

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