Monday, April 30, 2012

Country Livin'

  Yesterday was move in day for Tess and Boyce.....and ,of course, we were there to help !   Actually Molly came along to increase our man-power .  As the pictures attest's a beautiful spot.  It's also just about a mile from where their property is located.  They still have some hope that they'll be able to develop their "ranch", but for the time being this home is a lovely place to be.
   On Saturday we had a wonderful time at the Asparagus Festival with Dan and Anna. A mob scene, but some wonderful asparagus food stuffs and lots of good time with a wonderful young couple.

  As of about an hour ago......Jim is officially retired !!!!  I don't think it's begun to "hit" him yet.....probably take a few days, but ,hey, he's got all the time in the world !

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good Occasion for a Party !

   I'm a few days late in posting these photos....but, being late is just a way of life for me !!  On Monday evening Jim's staff gave him a wonderful retirement party.  A delicious barbeque, a cooler of beer and homemade cakes.  It was such a delight to get to know all these people who's names I've heard for years.  A few I'd met before ....others I've never met.......all of them such wonderful people !  Jim has truly enjoyed working with them and from talking to them it's apparent that they enjoyed and appreciated Jim.  They had many heartwarming thing to say about him......I know he'll miss them all in spite of himself.  In the photos above is a pinata they'd made the image of a "Blackberry"......Jim's constant companion in the last few years.  He really enjoyed ripping into the pinata with an iron rod !  On Monday, his last day, he plans on grinding the real Blackberry into the ground!  
   So, on Tuesday, our new life together begins.....I really look forward to spending more time with the love of my life.

Monday, April 23, 2012

New Tally !

   Tess just's a boy !!! I'm so happy for her and Boyce....and ohhhh, I love little boys !!
      New tally.......Boys 5   Girls 1........hang in there Tia !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sixty-Two......and Loving Life !

  Yesterday was Jim's birthday ......probably one of the best of his 7 days he's retired from his work and will be a "free" man !!  He's so excited....and who can blame him !!  Perpetual summer vacation , and who doesn't remember the excitement of  that last day of school in June !   Dan, Anna, Molly, Ross , Amanda and my mom came up to help with the celebration.  Of course I've included the obligatory "on -the couch" and "by-the-wood-stove" photos ........sorry, but it's definitely the room were we pretty much live.
  Yesterday was really hot and today's really hot......a little too early for my taste.  I just came down from my little sweatshop upstairs finishing some orders I need to ship off tomorrow.  It's nice and cool downstairs, where I sit now......right under the ceiling fan!

  Big day tomorrow.......Tess has her ultrasound and hopefully we find out.......boy or girl ?  I can't decide what I'm rooting for.  As the it stands now it's.......BOYS 4.....GIRLS I guess the grandchildren stats are a little lopsided and I should be hanging in there for a girl, but, of course, really I just want another little character of either persuasion.  I'll let you all know tomorrow what the test shows !

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Burnin' on the East Forty !

Today we ventured off to the far corner of our property.....across the "stream" , up and down the hills and through the trees ! It was a good day for a burn ......moist , but sunny and warm . And there we stood for hours.....soaking up the sun, watching the flames and occasionally speaking to each other ! Jenny was working on her "camo" moves.....we could hardly see her . Good job, Jenny Lou ! It seemed such a perfect way to spend a Sunday in April.......give me the country life anytime !
Back to the house now to enjoy the benefits of modern life......a Giants and a Kings game recorded on our DVR.......I won't feel too guilty sitting here inside, I soaked up lots of sun , fresh air and pollen earlier......and I have the itchy eyes to prove it !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Was Sunny and Funny !

Today is the end of a long Easter weekend. It was a lovely weekend.....sunny and warm.....just the way Easter should be ! I spent Saturday cooking up all the traditional goodies......candy, cookies and carrots ! Everyone showed up early afternoon on Sunday.......well, almost everybody......some were working and some live to far away :(
It was nice enough to sit outside and soak up some rays.....what a treat ! The Family Band was in full swing......minus a couple of members and out on the deck Daniela was dying up an egg storm ! Thirty-six eggs later she was admiral job ! Ross and Daniela were the youngest up here so they were recruited to entertain us with an Easter Egg Hunt. Daniela won, but we were able to console Ross and so the merriment continued ! This year I wrote clues for everyone to find their baskets....I had a blast writing the clues and I think everyone had fun finding their baskets......basket-hunt-clues will be a keeper for next year !
Yesterday Tess, Boyce and Daniela stayed up here most of the day. Tess had some work she needed to well as some laundry ! They left in the late afternoon....smiles and clean clothes for all !
Supposed to rain today.....actually all week. Bummer.....I've gotten kind of used to the sun......but I know it will be back !

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Belated Birthday !

Well, Ross' 25th birthday was actually last month, however.......he wasn't nearby! He was, of course, working over in time to celebrate! He's got a few weeks of and so we snagged him the other night for an impromptu celebration. Seth and Amanda joined us to make it a real party ! Ross had requested "Camping Stew"......good choice, Ross ! Ross' mom, Chris, always made him an apple pie for his birthday , so , apple pie with a candle for dessert !
Turned out to be a wonderful celebrate a wonderful young man. We love you, Ross.....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wet and Wild Weekend !

Wow, yesterday was a crazy wise ! It was all so seemingly compact , yet wild and unpredictable at the same time. I've never seen it rain so hard with winds whipping through the trees and then suddenly there's snow ! Every thing seemed so tightly wound.....kind of freaky ! spite of the weird weather I ventured down the hill to meet Molly was , after all , a Saturday ! We had a wonderful visit as always, but we did skip the venture to Target and elected to stay inside....warm and dry !
When I got home I learned Tess, Boyce and Daniela.....Boyce's 12 year old daughter ,..were on they're way up for dinner. Daniela had just flown in from San Diego to spend Spring Break with her dad and Tess. It was the first time we'd met Daniela and so we were thrilled to get to know her. As you can tell from the photos, she's the spitting image of Boyce and just a lovely young lady. We enjoyed our evening with them all so very much and look forward to getting to know her better!
Still cold rain or snow , but cloudy . Jim's been semi productive.....I've been in curl-up-with-a-book mode....and now I'm feeling pretty guilty. Well, I'll try to redeem myself tomorrow.....wish me luck !