Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good to be Back !

Well.....that was quite a hiatus I took ! Lots of news to catch up on. I don't really know why I dropped out of the world of the blog.......laziness ?? Springtime now......time to get up and moving !

Biggest news of the season ........Tess-Megan is going to have a baby !!! She and Boyce will be expecting it towards the end of August. I've never seen Tess looking better......robust and ......yes.....glowing ! Pictures above were taken last Sunday when Jim and I drove up there to help them figure out the best way to go forward with getting a home on their land. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we had fun roaming the property. The llamas, Buster and Lady, kept a close eye on us......but in the end.....made us feel welcome .

Miss Molly is gearing up for her move to Marin.......I think she's excited.....maybe a little stressed. I sure will miss her......going to Target will never be the same.

I haven't seen Seth for a while, but sounds like he and sweet Amanda will be up for dinner soon. We always play second fiddle to climbing mecca, Bishop........but, I so love that Seth has a passion in life.

Saw Dan and Anna on my birthday.......I'll be working soon on a scheme to get them here again soon ! Jill and family have their plane tickets and will be arriving June 29.....Espen's girlfriend will be coming with them this year......very exciting ! Josh and Mel......I'm forewarning you.....plans for Tess' baby shower mid July......be there or be square !

As for me.....I've got a whopping case of Shingles.....yuck ! No fun.....want it to be gone !!

Well.......good to be back....talk to you again soon.

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