Kind of a dreary, grey Spring seeming day.....clouds coming and going.....cold or warm depending on the sun. Anyhow......I just got to thinking about my mom's macaroni salad. She's made this salad for as long as I can remember.....I think her mom used to make it. It's always reserved for family occasions ,usually get-togethers in the Spring . It must be served in a Pyrex bowl......preferably one like my mom's biggest yellow one. I only have the newer version of Pyrex bowls, and no yellow ones ! ........... it never seems quite right ! It also never tastes quite right !! Try as I might I have never been able to replicate my mom's salad! I use exactly the same ingredients , I think in the same proportions, but never am able to make it taste just like hers !! In truth, although I have cooked three meals a day for multiple people for over 40 years I really have never made, or attempted to make , this salad too often. Since none of my kids but Tess have ever really liked this salad......they're all mayonnaise phobic.....I just never bothered ! However, into my life rode Jim and Dan and they are major fans of this concoction !......so in the last 16 years I have been trying and trying to get it right . Tried again today and this batch holds promise, although I really won't be able to tell until it "ages" overnight in the fridge.
Yesterday was a real fun day up in Chico . My mom and I drove up there , as I mentioned in previous post , to brainstorm with Tess and Boyce various ways to move forward on their land.....as in electricity, water and a house ! I think we have a kind of plan that we will try to somehow cobble together and we all felt pretty confident. We discussed all this at Boyce's restaurant over a beautiful and delicious lunch. It was so much fun......an afternoon to remember. Boyce had to stay at the restaurant a while longer so "the girls" headed to.....where else.....Target !! We spent a long time dressing up Tessy as "Pregnant Barbie" and ended up buying her a few of the best outfits. I'm sorry I didn't get any pics.......Tess and Boyce both looked wonderful.
Josh called me last week and we talked for a long time......all is well and they will be here for the Lupine Hill 4th of July bash......as well as the baby shower. By the way, if you're reading this , you're invited too !! As soon as we pick a day and time I'll let you all know. Probably sometime in the week after the 4th.