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Yesterday Molly and I spent a "fun" day at the Auburn Subaru dealership !! And surprise, surprise....even though she hadn"t really planned on it .....Molly drove home with a new Subaru !! Funny how that happens once you set foot on a car dealer's lot ! Actually, she was shopping for a new car since her old one was on it's last legs , but she just didn't think it would happen so soon ! She's very happy to have her little "Subie" and I'm happy she has such a safe little car. I was proud and impressed how she "wheeled and dealed"........remind me never to negotiate with her !
This morning it was back to the mundane........bread and butter pickles ! I snuck out for a quick lunch with my Mom and then back home to apple pie production. I saved one out to cook for Jim and me for dessert tonight.......smells mighty good !
A few weeks ago my Mom gave me custody of this plant..... the heat has fried my brain, I can't think of what kind of plant it is!.....but,it was suffering greatly in the Central Valley heat ....barely alive. This photo shows what mountain air can do for living things ! It's covered with blooms and sprouts many new leaves every day. My front porch has nursed many forlorn plants back to good health, but this one stands out from them all !
At last the hot weather of the last couple of days is gone. It was 102 up here yesterday.......very unusual for this elevation. Today it's about 15 degrees cooler.....and I'm in a much better mood !! Jim need not be afraid to come home tonight!!
Lot's of canning plans for the's been too hot to get the kitchen all steamy, but this weekend sounds cool and breezy.........perfect days to make up for lost time !! ........more chili sauce , bread and butter pickles and apple pies.
Most exciting thing to happen today was a phone call from Josh.......they're coming for Labor Day weekend !! He wants to see everyone so sounds like a few barbecues need to be planned. It's been a year since we've seen them......way too long. I'm so excited .......I can hardly wait !!
P.S> not brain dead yet !.......plant is a fuchsia !
Today was spent taming the garden overflow........tomatoes were made into Sweet Chili Sauce , plums are in the dryer turning into prunes and the apples are soon to turn into apple pies for the freezer. Such satisfying work .......such great eating all Winter long !!
It actually was a perfect day for such endeavors as food and cloudy, so the kitchen stayed bearable. Sounds like more cool weather in store for tomorrow and then BAMM...100 degrees by Tuesday. Perfect weather to vacuum the pool !
I got ahold of Josh this afternoon and had a wonderful visit with him and Tia. Tia said she had nothing to do today and I so wished I was close enough to go pick her up and spend the day enjoying her. She starts 2nd grade on Monday......time is moving way too fast !
Jim's finishing up some of the painting this weekend......maybe by next weekend we'll be able to start hitting some of those Sierra trails and lakes, the crowds should be starting to thin out ......late August and September are so lovely up there.

I know, Summer's not really even close to being over, but things seem to be winding down. The flowers are kind of exhausted, the veggies are hanging in there, but showing signs of fatigue.......and the pool is empty most days........and very much in need of a good vacuuming ! Johan and Anders left these ghosts of long evenings out playing on the driveway. We each had designated parking spots and a gas station right there next to the convenient ! I sure miss all the hustle and bustle of those hot Summer days........but......only 11 months to go before I'm headed back to S.F. to sweep them all up and bring them back !
I guess the reason I'm so missing the heart of Summer is that today I started gearing up for the upcoming craft show season........UGGGG! What to make......what will sell.....and then there's all the people to deal with.........I'm a hermit at heart carefully picking and choosing the people I like to be with. I'm sure the whole selling thing is good for me.........but let me tell you,,,,,I'd rather be doing almost anything else!!
Jim should be home soon............Spanish macaroni and zucchini for dinner and a recorded Giants game to watch !
I think it might have been a 5.14 single pitch ,
Jim was safe and secure in his harness and quickly soloed to the top !! Well, of course, I tease Jim........that's what I do......but he's not comfortable with heights and there he was way up on a precarious roof line.....all so he could paint the steep pitches of the house. He works so hard around much of it uncomfortable, hard work, just to keep our home in tip-top shape.......thanks, love.......all kidding aside, it's much appreciated !
Big news on the music front ! If you haven't read it on Facebook yet........Josh's band Werewolf Afro is now available on iTunes !!! I'm so proud of Josh......he provides well for his family and also finds time to play a killer bass and make great music........well done,'re one of the nicest guys on earth !
My Dad just called this morning and Molly and I are going to meet him for lunch today. Been quite a while since I've seen him......he sounded great over the phone. Tomorrow I think Mom, Molly and I are headed down to Ikea.......always a fun afternoon. I rarely buy anything, but enjoy the hunt !

Actually this whole weekend was great ! Saturday was a peaceful kind of "errand day" shopping, flower gardening and pickle making......all followed by great barbequed ribs for dinner and an exciting baseball game. To top the day off Tess and her new "friend", Boyce, showed up about 9:00. It was wonderful to see Tessy and a pleasure to meet Boyce. They spent the night and so after Sunday morning waffles we got down to the serious business of visiting !! It was a wonderful morning which we spent out on the deck enjoying a cool morning........and enjoying ,also, the great conversation. We enjoyed getting to know Boyce so much and it's great to see Tess so happy and optimistic . Thanks for coming by, guys.........hope to see you both again soon !
We left about noon to head down to Stockton to help Dan and Anna move into their apartment.......of course a second story apartment !!! Anna's family was there to help also and it was wonderful to see everyone. Anna starts her new job as a school psychiatrist on Wednesday and they're both so excited about this new chapter in their lives......and we're so excited to have them close by !
We stopped and picked up Chinese to go.......took much needed showers.......devoured the food and fell quickly into a sound sleep........perfect ending to a wonderful weekend !
The summer canning season has officially started !! The first of the pickles are done and the kitchen smells so deliciously like dill. It'll be almost Thanksgiving before they're done "curing" and ready to eat, but will be so worth the wait !
It was.....and is .....a pretty wonderful Sunday. Jim and I drove down to Auburn to buy some lumber at a store that's going out of business and all the lumber is 40% off. It's sort if like Ma and Pa Kettle when Jim and I go to town in the 4Runner, we look like we haven't been off the "hill" for 10 years ! Afterwards I did the pickles and then escaped the hot , steamy kitchen and jumped in the pool. Felt sooo good and after about an hour of soaking I feel cool and refreshed.
A S.F. Giants game just started.......against the Dodgers no less ! Beat L.A., beat L.A. !!
Fresh peach shortcake made, potatoes in the oven and steaks ready for the grill........sweet,sweet August.