Well, yet another group portrait and not a very imaginative one at that! This was taken at Granny's house the last weekend when we got together to celebrate Molly's 23rd birthday. My littlest baby girl!!!!! Molly .......sweet from the moment she came into this world......my darlin' red girl! Anyhow.........we had a fine time and of course a great dinner. The "men folk"......Denny, Jim and Ross set up Granny's new big screen while us women saw to dinner. After dinner , while Molly opened her many presents we enjoyed Freeport bakery's legendary Carrot cake. WE finally said our goodbyes around 11:00.........way past my bedtime!
Since the party I've been sewing and selling with a bit of Xmas shopping thrown in. I'm doing pretty well.....but my brain threatens to explode sometimes trying to keep everyone and their wants and needs straight. Santa must always find just the right item!!
Molly's been up here for a few days and today we had a fun day that brought up a lot of memories past. We just went down to Auburn ......got a few things at Target and then joined the throngs of people at Raleys to get groceries for Thanksgiving........something Molly and I have done together since I've been lucky enough to have her. I have so very much to be thankful for.........and you folks get ready for another group photo in a day or two...this time we'll be gathered around the old dining table!
1 comment:
What a great-looking family!
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