Well..I try this again! It seems my last post which I thought I saved, has disappeared. Apparently they are only saved so long and then are gone in the vast universe of cyper space! Having no knowledge of any type of space...I can only persevere and write another blog!
The reason I saved the first one I wrote was to get a picture of one of my lilac bushes to insert in the blog....well, I have that now...so again I'll talk about lilacs!
It was last Sunday I wrote...a lazy, beautiful Spring day. Jim and I played a bit with Jenny, I read a while out on the deck and then I went for a stroll around the yard. I'd been watching the lilacs for a week or so from the front porch, but when I got down to then the fragrance was amazing! Long story short......I now have a huge bouquet in the kitchen and the whole house smells like a fairytale!
Back to present time.....Jim just called , he'll be late getting home. His hours are so long now...the weekends so precious. I'm afraid there won't be a scrumptious dinner awaiting him....BLT's, as a matter of fact!.....I've been sewing most of the day....it's 6:00 and I just started to think about dinner!
Now to try to insert my lilac photo...wish me luck!