Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What !!!! It's a New Year ?

  Wow...where has the time gone?  I can hardly believe it's already over a week into the new year.  I've just started to settle in, thinking I should post something and then this morning I got an email from a dear friend inquiring as to the state of my life since I haven't posted for so long.  Terry, all is good....changes occurring as always, but everything toward the positive !  I will try to be more diligent in the new year, I fear I've already lost 90% of my readers. Maybe they'll check in some slow day and see that I have resurfaced.
    I'll mostly blame Molly!  She had 2 weeks off and so we just seemed to find something to do almost she's back at work ,.....I guess it's a good thing !
   I'm back to my walking regime once again and it feels so good....I even got some real shoes to wear at Costco.  I have to admit they make a big light and comfortable, I'm almost flying !   However, we'll see if I can handle have shoes on my feet come July when it's 92* out !!

  Jim harvested the beets today and so I spent the afternoon canning pickled beets......oh so good !!  He says he'll plant more next year because these came out so plump and beautiful.
   As you see in the photos my paperwhites are all planted and starting to own little New Year tradition.  Soon the whole house will smell heavenly.
   We've been having beautiful weather, however, this afternoon a cold front blew in and the temps been dropping .  Snow by tonight.....not a lot, just enough to be pretty.  My little Callie Rose used to cold weather as an excuse to come in the house and lay next to me......such a sweet little girl.
    Well, hope to "talk" to you again soon......Happy 2013 !
         Darn!   Now something is not working right on Blogspot and so I can't load my photos !   Sorry.....I'll try again later !

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