Look what decided to make an appearance this year.......the first time in about 12 years !! We planted this beautiful peach colored iris 14 years ago.......it bloomed maybe the first two years and then disappeared for the last 12 . Every year I search for it amongst the other iris , but I'm never able to locate it. All of a sudden......I'm walking down the driveway and there it is .......right were I thought it would be ......and it's blooming it's gorgeous head off ! Worth the wait....it's so delicate and , well , delicious looking. I just hope I'm not 73 the next time it blooms !!
It was actually sunny up here today and warm enough that the clothes dried on the clothesline . Such a contrast from yesterday when I had a blazing fire going all day and the house still never got above 65 degrees inside ! It's supposed to gradually warm up for the rest of the week and we may break 70 up here by the weekend !
My Dad called today about noon and said he wanted to meet for lunch so I drove down to the "Monkey Cat" .......his favorite restaurant in Auburn. We had a wonderful lunch and he absolutely "glowed" ........ he's so excited to get back to his home in Kauai.......he leaves this Monday. He's getting back here for a brief time the end of July.....just in time to catch Jill and the boys before they leave.
Jimmy will be home in about an hour.......his favorite for dinner tonight .....spaghetti. He's a man of simple needs !!
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