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I meant to post this photo last week......didn't do it better late than never !! This was taken at Jerry and Barbara's lovely home the day before Father's Day. It was a wonderful day.......I love spending time with Jim's family......lot's of laughs and hugs !
With the old adage......Be Careful What You Wish mind , we welcome in our first triple digit days of summer. Yesterday was well over a hundred degrees down in the valley and plenty toasty up here. We spent the day enjoying the cold, clear waters of the American River. I must say the boys have turned into quite the cliff jumpers. They dive off the high rocks into the deep hesitation,
over and over again ! Molly and Ross joined us for a taco dinner when we got home.......A great way to end the weekend !
It's even hotter today so after meeting my Mom at ......where else ?......In and Out for lunch , we headed over to the amply air conditioned mall. Espen bought his girlfriend in Norway a birthday gift and the boys all got some new shorts and Jill a Starbuck's strawberry something-or-other ! After a quick stop at Raley's we're back at square one.......Lupine Hill ! Quick changes into bathing suits......into the pool........AHHHHHH !
The annual San Francisco welcome photo ! As always the boys are a whole lot taller , smiles a whole lot broader and the hugs a whole lot longer !! Their flight was delayed a couple of hours in London so they arrived later than usual. We thought we'd hit horrible commute traffic over the Bay Bridge so we took the "scenic" route through San Francisco and over the Golden Gate Bridge. We encountered very little traffic and best of the boy's eyes.......on the other side of the bridge was an IN and Out ! With great excitement we stopped in for a quick dinner before starting up the road. We ended up getting here about 8:30 ......Jim , Seth and Amanda were eagerly waiting.
After a good night's sleep they all couldn't wait to head down to the mall in Roseville. We met Granny for lunch at Chili's where Jilly quenched her hunger for a Buffalo Chicken Salad. The boy's got new Vans at the mall and Espen got earphones at the Apple Store. Amanda and Seth came for dinner......I made a vat of Mac and Cheese !
Yesterday the boys all hung out at Granny's cart rides being the main attraction. Jill and I hit Nordstrom Rack where Jill found the perfect pair of shoes. On the way home Molly called.....she'd been at a meeting at her school and was then on the freeway with a flat tire ! We found her on the freeway shoulder and waited and gave her "moral support" until the tow truck showed up. Tire changed and we were off to home....but , not until we stopped and gave Seth a ride to Amanda's car.......long story ....... Barbequed burgers for dinner and great soccer to watch was a very fun evening.
I think we're staying home today....maybe a picnic at the lake. Dan just called and sounds like they'll be here tomorrow.......let the fun times roll !
Finally got it done......the back screen door is no longer dirty white !! It was a terrible ordeal for Jim and me to make a color choice.......kind of hard for either of us to make a choice about anything!! Done now......looks happy !
Molly and I met my Mom today....burgers at In & Out ! We probably wouldn't have gone there today if I'd stopped to realize that we'll probably be eating there quite a bit in the next month since it's always the Norway boys "restaurant" of choice ! Oh well.....maybe I'll branch out and try one of their milkshakes some day.
I just got done watering the veggie garden....everything looks wonderful and seems to be thriving regardless of the slow start. The tomato plants are about waist high....hopefully we'll have a few tomatoes while Jill's still here. Lot's of artichokes left so they'll be on the menu for a while yet. It's so exciting out there this time of changes every day.
Yesterday we made the perilous journey to Marin County........and enjoyed a beautiful....if a little hot.....afternoon in the redwoods. Amanda joined us and we met Ross and Molly , Jessica [Ross' sister] and her partner Monica . The main reason for this gathering was that Ross' new band, Blue Light River, was playing at a festival in Fairfax. Ahhhh , Marin.....I've missed you !! Back in the day , I enjoyed many enlightening adventures among those hills and quaint streets..... Still a most interesting place.....just a little too crowded for my taste. But....back to the band.....most enjoyable, wonderful music .........Ross continues to amaze me with his musical growth. They're booked for a lot of gigs in the Bay area......I highly recommend them !

Here it is .........Seth's new truck !!! The ordeal is over......the truck is purchased !!! It's a great looking truck and so very Seth- like. 4x4 with an extended cab.......the better to take young nephews to the river !
Tonight Jim and I are hittin' the town.......Chinese food and Robin Hood.....what could be better !! We haven't eaten out in Auburn for a long while and haven't seen a movie for many exciting !
I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend......I love having my sweet Jim home.
I think it's actually happened......Winter is over !! We seemed to have skipped Spring entirely......the last couple of days have been downright hot ! Not that I'm complaining........not yet. My early Summer ritual took place yesterday.....I took the down comforter off our bed and replaced it with a Summer quilt. That's our Winter comforter cover hanging on the clothesline ........well.... it's a welcome sight to my eyes !
Yesterday was a real nice day......a bit of gardening done, a trip to the lumber store with Jim and then a wonderful visit with Amanda. Seth was working so she came and hung out up here. We shared a Hot Link and lots of great conversation.
Today I went down and met my Mom.....she needed to take a floor lamp to be fixed, but luck.....couldn't fix it. Since we were so close......we decided it would be silly to pass up the opportunity to stop at Sam's for a delicious sandwich and cole slaw. It's a locally owned restaurant in Sacramento that we used to go to when I was growing up down there.......still one of the best bargains in the valley!
Homegrown artichokes steaming away in the kitchen for dinner tonight. The artichokes loved the cool weather and we have a bumper crop of them this year. They smell wonderful and loaded with garlic.......just the way we like them !