Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Designs!

It's that time of year again.....time to become productive and somewhat lucrative! Soooo......I'm upstairs in my "workroom", two fans aimed at me and my two overheated sewing machines......trying to get the creative juices flowing. What will the mood of my customers be this season..........whimsical....cynical.....foodie or social conscience? I never know what's going to can really vary from season to season. I've kind of created a niche ......not traditionally crafty.....more green, left wing........seems to be the right time.........I really picked up steam toward the end of last season. Since it's my natural bent I guess I'll go all out this season. I'll still include some more traditional designs, but I really do hope I can continue to be just a little different in outlook than most of the people I work with. We'll see........I'll let you know come December!

1 comment:

jilljen said...

I like your new designs, Mom. And I think it smart of you to go with your natural inclinations!