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A beautiful Saturday.......sunny and about 75 degrees. I'm also so excited about Jill and family's arrival !! I spent the morning getting the boy's room ready.....a labor of love. Tomorrow we plan on getting the pool up and running.......never a real fun couple of hours , but well worth it will soon be filled with smiling faces !
The big excitement of the day came around noon when the tree trimmers showed up. They're 3 "freelancers" that we've hired before to trim branches and to cut out mistletoe, but today we actually had quite a few trees that we wanted cut down. Some were dead of natural causes and others were ones that were a threat to the house when another big storm comes along. It was sobering this winter to see the damage done by the winds and heavy snows. We were fortunate that we didn't sustain any damage to the house from the falling trees and limbs. The guys just left a little while ago and now the debris cleanup starts.......good news is that we got about 3 cords of wood from the trees . We will have such a warm, cozy house this winter !
Time to start dinner....we're hungry ! Jasmine rice, shrimp and pea pods from the garden.

At last ! The snow has finally melted enough that we were able to drive up to our favorite firewood gathering place. We usually are able to get in around the middle of May.....this year we had snow at our house in the middle of May ! However.....those same storms that brought in all that cold and snow also blew down a lot of big oak trees on Deadwood ridge and so.........we are in firewood heaven !! This will be a year we'll talk about for decades to come .........I can see all the kids rolling their eyes !!!!
All was not actually groovy yesterday . We got a flat tire up there and it was not fun . The jack in the truck is under the back seat and the back seat was under a ton of firewood ! After unloading the wood , retrieving the jack, and putting on the spare tire .......we discovered the spare was flat ! We were miles from anywhere and ,of course, no cell reception. Luckily we discovered that we had our little air compressor with us , so we plugged it in to the lighter and after about 45 minutes we were on our way !! I STRONGLY recommend one of those little compressors for anyone that travels in remote locales !
I met Molly in Auburn today and we did a few errands and enjoyed the air conditioned's in the upper 90's today. I dare not complain about the heat hasn't been long enough yet since I was complaining about the cold !
Summer is last !! Today for the first time this year the temperature is over 80 up here ! It actually feels good to me ......maybe I can refrain from whining about the heat this year. With this warm day I can actually imagine that it's only 2 weeks until Jill and family are here ...........very exciting !!
Today I drove down to Auburn for a haircut and lots of giggles with Shanti, the woman who cuts my hair. She's a real character and I like her so much. I also really needed the cut and it feels so good to be "light headed" !
I should be out planting or weeding right now ,but it feels so good to be sitting here under the ceiling fan. Just a little while longer.....seems like I've waited a lifetime to be able just to sit in the middle of the afternoon !
Look what decided to make an appearance this year.......the first time in about 12 years !! We planted this beautiful peach colored iris 14 years bloomed maybe the first two years and then disappeared for the last 12 . Every year I search for it amongst the other iris , but I'm never able to locate it. All of a sudden......I'm walking down the driveway and there it is .......right were I thought it would be ......and it's blooming it's gorgeous head off ! Worth the's so delicate and , well , delicious looking. I just hope I'm not 73 the next time it blooms !!
It was actually sunny up here today and warm enough that the clothes dried on the clothesline . Such a contrast from yesterday when I had a blazing fire going all day and the house still never got above 65 degrees inside ! It's supposed to gradually warm up for the rest of the week and we may break 70 up here by the weekend !
My Dad called today about noon and said he wanted to meet for lunch so I drove down to the "Monkey Cat" .......his favorite restaurant in Auburn. We had a wonderful lunch and he absolutely "glowed" ........ he's so excited to get back to his home in Kauai.......he leaves this Monday. He's getting back here for a brief time the end of July.....just in time to catch Jill and the boys before they leave.
Jimmy will be home in about an hour.......his favorite for dinner tonight .....spaghetti. He's a man of simple needs !!