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Yesssss.......the snow is gone......the cough is gone........I do believe that perhaps Spring is here ! The last week and a half were days I hope to never repeat. In my last post I mentioned that I thought I had recovered from the "crud" so ! I just couldn't shake it and felt horrible all week. It snowed most of the week and stayed dark and it's all changed !!! I felt well enough to do my morning walk and I realized how much I've missed it . I worked outside cleaning up a bit, lamenting that it's still too early to plant flowers up here. I drove up to Wortons.....the little local grocery store.....and actually bought a few items since thinking of food no longer makes me sick ! A hot, spicy curry for dinner tonight.......should blow out the last of the stuffiness !
Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer than today.......I may sneak in a few flowers .......hardy heros !
So much for the exciting weekend I'
d anticipated......
Mother Nature had other plans !! I know, with all the chaos and loss of life in the world right now I really have no complaints about our little neck of the world........but was a little disappointing. Everything started out just fine on Friday morning. I'd felt a little sick the day before, but it seemed like maybe I was winning the war with the virus. Jim had taken the day off and we planned a day of easy going adventure , topped with a nice dinner out and a Celtic band show in Grass Valley. The first few hours were wonderful. The weather was not great, but we settled for exploring from within our car and with that in mind we turned down every little country road that struck our fancy. We enjoyed some beautiful country, inspiring little farms and ranches and ended up in Wheatland......home of my ancestors !........and enjoyed a great cheeseburger at a little roadside joint there. After lunch we headed back down the road, turning N.E. , heading toward Grass Valley. It was about then that I realized I was losing my war with the virus ......however , I was still excited about the concert. As we were driving we notice all the cars coming down had snow on them.......bad sign ! As we got closer to Grass Valley, sure enough, it started dumping !! We narrowly avoided ending up in a ditch.......good work little Subie....and Jim ! By the time we got into town we know that between the snow and my cough that we just want to get home ! It took us about 2 hours to get from Grass Valley to our house, usually about a 45 minute drive and then when we were so close........the road was blocked with morons who had tried to drive...... without 4-wheel..... up a big hill by our house and so they were all stuck in the middle of the road and nobody could go anywhere !! So......we ended up leaving our car and walking the last mile home wet, heavy snow a foot deep ........and ,of course, I'm wearing my sandals [now who's the moron!] ,by then fever has struck and I'm shivering uncontrollably !! With my love's help I make it home grateful to be there !!
Saturday....more snow.....more fever electricity !! I was too out of it to care much and kind of wandered from the bed to the sofa all day.
Sunday was the day we'd planned our music-fest up here.......long story short we ended up calling the whole thing off ! Weather was still horrible, I was still sick, Ross was sick.......just didn't seem like a great day for getting together !
The good news is that I think all the enforced time with nothing to do but rest that I recovered pretty fast, because today I feel human ! The weekend sure didn't go as planned........but, boy.......we all know things can go a whole lot worse !
I kind of expect the weather around St. Paddy's Day to be sunny, warm and springlike......this year it looks to be cloudy, cold and wintery ! No snow today , but the forecast is for some later in the week. Tomorrow is our Anniversary and I always tell Jim we should have waited until summer.......March is such an"iffy" month weather wise so it's hard to trips to the lake and cold on the coast ! Regardless, Jim says he has something planned for the weekend......he's taken Friday off......I can't wait to see what he's come up with !
I finally got my long-awaited iPhone this weekend and so far - so good! I've just about got it figured out is a pretty amazing little phone. Molly got one too so I'm sure I'll "lean" on her a bit for support !
Yesterday I drove down and met my mom and after much looking I found a large mirror for our bathroom remodel. I've been looking off and on for about a year. Now it's on to paint , faucet and towel racks !
I'm looking forward to a little family get-together this weekend. It's been about a month since we've all gathered. The walls miss the sound of home grown music and I miss the smiles of each and every one.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day up here. Sunny and warm with temps. in the low 60's. Just a few days ago we were dealing with snow, and's daffodils ! Unfortunately, the snow impacted the daffys since several large branches broke off during the heavy snow and , of course, landed on the largest patch of flowers. It didn't seem to harm them too much , just a few stems broken off, and when the sun came out yesterday they were ready to rock and roll !!
After Jim and I worked around yesterday morning , I headed down to Auburn to meet Molly and hang out. She's been so busy lately I haven't seen her for a couple of weeks, but today we had a fun day together. Nothing special........Target....of course.....salad at La Bou and lots of good conversation.
When I got home late afternoon Jim suggested we head back down for dinner and a movie...........Okay ! Wonderful Chinese followed by "Black Swan". I enjoyed the movie a lot and thought Natalie Portman was very good ........must admit I probably liked her more because of Huckabee's comments about her ! President Huckabee ???? Nooooooooooooo !
Today it seems Spring is over for a while.......cold and in the stove blazing away.