The other night Jim and I enjoyed a wonderful fresh salmon dinner.......from Norway ! It was delicious fish and seemed extra fresh and clean......just like Norway !
Hopefully Raleys will be carrying this brand from now on.
Apple pies have been consuming my life the last couple of days......I have a freezer full . I'll keep my fingers power outages !!! We've been drying peaches from the orchard by the pound. So delicious and I know those will be safe and matter what the electrical situation . The next onslaught will be peppers of all shapes, colors and taste. Most of those I'll freeze and enjoy in recipes all winter long.
Josh and family will be here day after tomorrow......I'm so excited. Cookies and casseroles to make tomorrow.......I don't want to waste time cooking while they're here. Real hot the next couple of days , but cooling off this weekend......perfect weather for visiting and game playing out on the deck .
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