Well, it's certainly been a while since I've visited my blog site! Let me catch you all up a bit. Last Saturday I spent the day.......a very hot day!......helping Molly move out of her old apartment....a second story apartment! We actually had a few laughs in spite of the task.......Molly and I are weird that way! We were done about 5:00 and were rewarded with a delicious dinner at Mom's house.....along with Jim and Denny and Joan. I thought I probably wouldn't be able to move the next morning, but I suffered no ill effects at all. Most of the time I love my body's capabilities, just not so in love with the size!
During the rest of this week I've been gearing up for the Xmas season.....way too hot upstairs in my workroom to imagine Xmas, but sew -on I must! Tomorrow I'm taking a bunch of stuff down to a store in Sacramento ........they want to buy my products. Needless to say, I hope they buy a lot........I'll let you know!
On Tuesday, late afternoon of another very hot day, I went down to help Molly move IN to her new little house. Seth, my Mom and Keith were there to help out this time. We made pretty quick work of it...... although at the time it really didn't seem like it! I can't wait to go back down soon to see what Molls has done......I'm sure it looks very cool!
Oh......yesterday I had my first eye exam ....ever! The doctor pronounced my eyes, "Clear as a bell".......but my over -the- counter reading glasses just aren't doing the job any more......so "real" glasses will be here in about a week. I'm pretty excited......they're green and really cute! I'll take a self-portrait when I get them so you can see me with them on!