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A few nights ago Jim and I took a brief little Spring Break getaway . We headed a few miles up the road to Deadwood, our firewood gathering locale, set up our camper and basked in the wilderness ! It was beautiful weather up there .....about seventy or so......warm enough to seek out some shade. We cooked a camping dinner......sloppy joes and s'mores......sat around the ol' campfire and then retreated to the cozy confines of our camper. Callie claimed her spot on one of the benches, Jim and crawled into our soft bed to say everyone had a great sleep. After a breakfast of ham and french toast we packed up and headed home.....a good 20 minutes away !
I must say a shower felt awfully good when we got home.......I really must be getting old !! We spent the rest of the day working in the garden......everything is so lush right now. We have a fairly good crop of Lupines this year....much better than the past couple of years.
Saturday Tess and Bryn met me in Auburn and we headed to Roseville to have lunch with my mom. Molly met us later in the day and we did a little speed shopping.......Bryn had about "had it" by then ! I left the girls about 5:00 and headed home since I had a date with a tall handsome guy ! We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Club Car in Auburn.....super fun day !!
Tomorrow is the opening of firewood season here in Tahoe National Forest and we hope to be one of the first folks up to Deadwood. We scouted it out when we were up there camping and didn't see much oak, so we want to go early and try to get what oak we did see.
My mom is coming up tomorrow afternoon to spend the night and then early the next morning we leave for a quick trip to Utah to attend Josh's wife Melanie's college graduation. She's receiving her teaching credential and already has a teaching position for next Fall. Can't wait to see everyone !
Finally , after almost three long months, Jim has caught up with me ! I'm no longer the old hag while he basks in youthful vigor.....we both reside in the world of sixty-three now. I can at last relax and not worry about all the "younger" women of the world.
We celebrated last Saturday .......all the "local kids" came up as well as my mom and brother and sister-in-law. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm , and so the deck was the place to be. We also celebrated the two other April birthdays in the family, Anna and Boyce! There was lot's of food, a bit of beer, great conversation and ,of course, there was Bryn ! He's a bit of a party animal, he didn't sleep the whole day.....he was afraid he'd miss something cool !
On Sunday, Jim's official birthday, we headed up into the mountains aways to meet a very cool group of people that Jim plays with for an awesome Bluegrass jam. Some super talented people and the music was incredible. Could it be that maybe we have met "our" people and will soon have friends ???
Today was a gardening day.........all day !! Everything is pruned, cleaned up, replanted and all together ready to go for another growing season. Tired, but that really good kind of tired .
No excuses for my lame frequency of posts lately......I want to do better and I can hardly handle the guilt I feel when I'm so neglectful.