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Well, I haven't been doing too well at keeping up with this blog thing......I think about doing it...if that counts ! I can't really remember where I left off in my last post, guess it was a few weeks ago. Nothing earth shattering has occurred since last you heard from me......a lot of sunny days, cold nights and smiling faces.....just the way I like it !
The last couple of weekends were just such Saturday I met Tess and Bryn in Grass Valley . Pacos Tacos and Goodwill thrift awesome is that !? I snapped a few pictures of Bryn while Tess was otherwise occupied........he thought it was a real lark and we shared a few belly laughs ! The next morning Matt.......Molly's boyfriend.....came over for what has become a tradition with join us for Sunday morning waffles. It 's wonderful to have him share the morning with us and then he and Molly usually take off for some grueling 10 mile hike !
This past Saturday Jim and I had dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant and the we had tickets for some music at the funky Auburn Event Center. It's like stepping back in time to the late 60's and so of course we felt right at home ! We heard some awesome music.....danced with some awesome people. The photo that I took there does not look that way because I was on camera was having technical difficulties .......but, it did kind of capture the evening !
This photo of Callie Rose was taken after an unfortunate encounter with a skunk. Need I say more......
Super busy and super fun week......just the way to end my 62nd year ! Saturday Molly and I met up with Tess and Bryn in Auburn to do some shopping for her new house up the road aways. Bryn was, of course, his usual adorable self and Tess her usual entertaining self. We had such a fun and productive day..........ending with a quiet dinner at home, just me and Jim. Molly had a date with new beau, Matt.......who, by the way, we all think is a great guy.
Sunday the crowd arrived for the Super Bowl and even though the 49ers ending up losing we had a fun day.......although poor Dan was feeling pretty sad when he and Anna left. I hope the world looked sunnier when you woke up the next morning, Dan .......the 9ers will live on to fight again !
Yesterday we had a surprise visit from Tess, Bryn and Boyce. They stayed for dinner and Molly and Matt also joined us. Wonderful evening....we are so lucky! Today Jim and I headed into the wilds again for a brisk, long hike. We wanted to get another one in before the supposed snow arrives here I'll be a year older tomorrow........I might not have been able to make it after today !!!
So........63 looms tomorrow.....sure beats the alternative and I have a fun lunch planned with my mom and my wonderful friend , Belle. I know it'll be a blast.
Pictures I'm posting today are all from various events this "official" birthday party will be this Saturday....I'll snap a few then and share next week.......See you then !