It's a winter wonderland here right now! About a foot of snow with more on the way through Christmas. Jenny is loving it .......she's a snow dog at heart, like her "Mom".
Molly and beau, Ross came last night and Josh and family will be here today. I can't wait to see's been about 6 months since we've seen them. Seth just called from a rock climbing expedition in Bishop and will be coming home this evening before more snow sets in. Sooooooo... the house is starting to fill up. I broke open the mega 80lb coffee sack this morning!!!!! And we'll have a side of beef defrosting for tomorrow nights dinner!!
As it's going to be a hectic week I may not get a chance to wish you all a very Merry Xmas. So consider yourselves wished! I love Xmas.......the excitement, the hustle and bustle, the music and the food. I become quite the traditionalist at Xmas time ........I hope you all find time for your favorite tradition.